Wizards of Waverly Place – First Kiss

  • Title: Wizards of Waverly Place – First Kiss
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Wizards of Waverly Place - First Kiss

Wayback Wednesday takes us back to a family of wizards living in Waverly Place. Lucy Hale guest-stars in “First Kiss” as Justin‘s (David Henrie) new girlfriend Miranda who he’s too shy to kiss. As with the first episode of the series, as spell used unwisely will play into the proceedings when Alex (Selena Gomez) keeps turning back time to give her brother the opportunity to get the kiss right. Sitcom shenanigans are everywhere in the various ways the kiss goes wrong and in the episode’s B-plot which involves Max‘s (Jake T. Austin) crazy sandwich creation catching on with a rep for the NY Mets only to have the rebooted time ruin any chance of it becoming the official sandwich for the baseball team.