Watson – Redcoat / Wait for the Punchline

  • Title: Watson – Redcoat / Wait for the Punchline
  • IMDb: link | link

The pilot episode of Watson was pretty rough. The next two in which Dr. John Watson (Morris Chestnut) helps a man believing himself to be a colonial British soldier (Damian O’Hare) after being shot in the head and a stand-up comedian who collapses from a hereditary condition, all while the minions of Moriarty (Randall Park) work through Watson’s friend to screw with the good doctor, does show some improvement. The Moriarty segments involving Shinwell Johnson (Ritchie Coster) remain incredibly awkward, and Watson’s team of doctors still hasn’t quite clicked although Ingrid (Eve Harlow) and Sasha (Inga Schlingmann) both get some nice moments over the two episodes, although I’m still not interested in any of their personal lives (I’m already tired of Watson’s as well).

In terms of a the medical cases from both episodes, Watson is obviously pulling heavily from House for inspiration with obvious themes of patients lying to their doctors and obscure and improbable diagnoses that lead to larger revelations about the patient and their families. Moriarty screwing with the doctor’s medication has only minor ramifications here, without a greater purpose. That teases the possibility of Moriarty slinking into the shadows, which would likely be a good thing for the series allowing the show to build some focus as a medical mystery show before pulling back in more Holmes storylines.