Smallville – Cool

  • Title: Smallville – Cool
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Smallville Saturday takes us back to the creation of a new meteor freak of the week when high-school lothario Sean Kelvin (Michael Coristine) gets trapped under the ice in the meteor-filled Cater Lake and emerges with permanent hypothermia and a need to draw on fire, electricity, or the body heat of others to stay warm. That’s trouble for his ex-girlfriend Jenna (Tania Saulnier) who doesn’t survive her final encounter with Sean and for Chloe (Allison Mack) who has drawn the attention of the oh too cool football player whose touch can kill. Sean’s powers somewhat mirror that of longtime Superman villain Parasite, who feeds on the energy of others, although the inclusion of his powers being cold-based are quite different.

Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) plays into both B-stories as his attempts to play matchmaker with Clark (Tom Welling) and Lana (Kristin Kreuk) continue, leading to a date between the pair for Radiohead concert in Metropolis which Clark unfortunately has to bail on to save Chloe, as do his attempts to win over both Martha (Annette O’Toole) and Jonathan (John Schneider) this time by offering to help invest in the family’s struggling farm. The subplots combine with the main story when Lana and Whitney (Eric Johnson) interrupt Lex’s sales pitch while running from Sean who Clark eventually traps in the pond behind the Luther estate.

The episode marks the first, but by far not the last, time Clark sacrifices spending time with Lana, which of course he can’t properly explain. Lex is disappointed, but not surprised, with Jonathan’s decision to take out a loan from the bank rather than accept his assistance. Pete (Sam Jones III) gets a minimal role as the beneficiary of the limo when Clark and Lana’s “not date” is put on hold, although his comments about his friend’s Clarkness give Lana insight into Clark’s feelings for her (although she refuses to to admit or take action on them for now, returning to Whitney).