- Title: Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! – A Scary Night with a Snow Beast Fright
- wiki: link
Scooby Saturday takes us back to Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! for another mystery involving some meddling kids and their talking dog. Before disappearing, Professor Kreuger (John Stephenson) flies Mystery, Inc. to an Inuit village at the North Pole. Once arriving the find only a half-demolished village and Chief Manook (Vic Perrin) who informs them a giant Snow Beast of local legends appeared and carried the professor off. Despite warnings from both Manook and the professor’s assistant Jean Pierre Baptiste (Alan Oppenheimer), the gang decide to remain and investigate the new mystery which involves giant totem poles in the snowy wasteland.
Trapped in the Snow Beast’s icy cave, the gang stumble man-made tunnels, a hidden submarine, and traces of oil all which point to a person behind the appearances of the creature. Along with referring to the locals as Eskimos (a less politically correct term nowadays), there are a handful of goofs the episode makes to get the setting the writers want for the episode such as there are no Inuit at the North Pole nor are giant totems poles (not part of Inuit culture) likely to be found in such a barren location. The other obvious goof is the size of the Snow Beast which is constantly fluctuating to fit it in to various scenes within the ice cave where it frightens our intrepid investigators.
The episode’s running gag is Scooby-Doo (Don Messick) flirting with a husky from Manook’s dog sled who helps thaw out the hero on more than one occasion. Notably, neither Daphne (Heather North) nor Velma (Nicole Jaffe) are given much to do in the episode. The trap to capture the Snow Beast, basically nothing more than Scooby luring it onto the ice, is by far one of Fred‘s (Frank Welker) least-complicated plans that somehow actually works to crash the beast into one of the giant totems not only revealing the identity behind the episode’s baddie but also the final piece of the mystery in revealing a hidden oil derrick and the motive for all the mischief.