- Title: Samurai Jack – Episode XVII: Jack and the Scotsman II
- wiki: link
Throwback Thursday takes us back to the adventures of the time-displaced samurai and his quest to make his way home. “Episode XVII” offers the return of the Scotsman (John DiMaggio) who seeks out Jack (Phil LaMarr) after his wife (Ruth Williamson) is kidnapped by a robotic demon cult that wants to make soup out of her (okay, maybe not the best thought out premise of the series). Pride and tradition prevent the Scotsman from asking his clansmen for help, who Jack gets to meet at one point in the episode, but the samurai takes little convincing before agreeing to the quest.
“Jack and the Scotsman II” offers some fun moments teaming Jack up with the raucous character one more time. The episode slow plays the joke, presenting the character’s wife through the rose-colored glasses of the Scotsman leading to a bit of a shock when the samurai meets the real thing. The Celtic Demons don’t stand-out as memorable villains in any way, though their vast numbers do prevent a challenge for the two heroes… at least until the Scotsman’s Wife enters the fray.