- Title: Danger Man – The Journey Ends Halfway
- wiki: link
Throwback Thursday takes us back into the Cold War spycraft of Danger Man. Correctly believing something is wrong with the established route to smuggle defectors out of the East, John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) is sent in undercover as a Czech engineer to find the leak and discover what went wrong with the recent attempt of a friend fleeing the region. While waiting for his ticket out, Drake befriends a local woman (Anna May Wong) also in need of escape after earning the displeasure of the local government.
As expected, Drake discovers that the smugglers are killing their passengers and keeping the most valuable possessions they bring with them on their journey to the West. Despite providing some tense moments, “The Journey Ends Halfway” is one of the weaker episodes of the show’s First Season as Drake quite easily identifies the the man responsible for the deaths of several refugees as well as the questionable makeup of Willoughby Goddard who is cast as Drake’s contact in the region. The climax and resolution both feel rushed. Our hero heads home with his mission a success but also having created a large hole in the operation left to be filled.