Uncanny X-Men Annual #1
- Title: Uncanny X-Men Annual #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writers: Ed Brisson
- Artist: Carlos Gomez
Welcome back Scott Summers. I’ve made no secret of the fact that my interest in all things X-Men has waned considerably since the death of Cyclops. With the help of the “new and improved” younger version of Cable, Uncanny X-Men Annual #1 puts things right by returning Scott Summers to the land of the living. As with Green Lantern: Rebrith (the Geoff Johns standard for resurrected and redeeming a fallen hero), things get a little tricky and a bit convoluted in explaining how the hero is resurrected. However, at least for now, I’m happy that Marvel long ago abandoned their original mandate of when someone dies in the Marvel Universe they stay dead.
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