Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman #18

Walking through explosions, threats, and would be rivals, Wonder Woman arrives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and proceeds to, quite literally, kick the door down. The time of reckoning has come. The inevitable confrontation between Diana and the Sovereign looms throughout the issue, although it saved for at least another month. What we do get is Wonder Woman fighting past the would-be soldiers and even a new General Glory, with a little surprise for Grail, while the Wonder Girls remain at home taking care of Diana’s daughter allowing Wonder Woman to make the stand on her own (well, with a little help from a friend).

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Wonder Woman #17

While Wonder Woman spends more time with her newborn on Themyscira talking about the baby’s father to her daughter, movements against the Sovereign continue in her absence. After dragging the secret organization into the light with the help of Detective Chimp and Clark Kent, this time it’s Wonder Girls who stop by for a visit taking out the Sovereign’s protection by taking down several of the super-villains hired in their fight against Wonder Woman.

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Justice League Unlimited #2

The initial arc of the new Justice League Unlimited comic continues. In Costa Rica, Superman leads a team of Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, Star Sapphire, Martian Manhunter, Black Lightning, and Dr. Occult against Parademons. A wounded Batman arrives with even graver news about stolen children, sending some of the team after the Parademon nest and others in search of the kids.

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Wonder Woman #16

I wasn’t expecting a Columbo episode out of the latest issue of Wonder Woman, but that’s exactly what Wonder Woman #16 delivers. With Wonder Woman spending time in Themyscira with her mother Hippolyta and her daughter Lizzie, retribution comes to the Sovereign from an unexpected source. Diana doesn’t make a move against him herself, but the death of a thousand cuts to the secret organization continues with the arrival of an unexpected guest.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1

Tied into the launch of Justice League Unlimited, The Question: All Along the Watchtower focuses on Renee Montoya being hired by the league to be the sheriff of the Justice League Watchtower while also looking into a feeling of some of the core members of something being wrong with the new version of the League (also foreshadowed in Justice League Unlimited #1).

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