- Title: X-Men Origins: Wolverine
- IMDb: link

It’s somewhat amazing that between X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine that 20th Century Fox didn’t manage to destroy their X-Men movie franchise. For Throwback Thursday we take a look back at the first of the Wolverine standalone films. X-Men Origins: Wolverine delves into the unexplored past of Logan (Hugh Jackman) while continuing to refuse to quite nail down the exact date of his birth. Not fitting in at all with the timeline of the other X-Men films, the movie has been largely ignored in current continuity (although one important aspect does return in Logan).
Along with a brief introduction of Logan as a child, and a montage of him working with Team X, the story jumps forward to events which will pull him out of his quiet life in the Canadian wilderness with Silverfox (Lynn Collins) and lead to both his adamantium upgrade and events which will cause him to lose memories of his past.
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