Usagi Yojimbo

Usagi Yojimbo: Ten Thousand Plums #1

Starting a new five-issue story, having been joined by Gen, Miyamoto Usagi and Yukichi come across a huge field of the Shogun’s prized plum trees where they fined a burnt-out section of trees and come across some of the Shogun’s guards who allude to mysterious happenings in the area and are immediately suspicious of the three travelers. The tension between the men and Usagi, whose name they recognize, is notable, although circumstances soon distract them from the trio.

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Space Usagi: White Star Rising #1

Space Usagi: White Star Rising #1

Rabbit Ronin in spaaaaace! Picking up after the events of Space Usagi: Death and Honor, the following 90s three-issue mini-series continues the space adventures of Miyamoto Usagi‘s descendent (also confusingly named Miyamoto Usagi) defending the Shirohoshi clan in the far future against the Kajitori. As with Death and Dishonor (also originally published by Mirage), this is the first time White Star Rising has been released in color.

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Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #5

Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #5

The five-issue mini-series comes to a close with a battle between the bandits and the bounty hunters. An action-heavy finale offers plenty of action as the rabbit ronin Miyamoto Usagi and Yukichi fight alongside the bounty hunters against the much larger, but not nearly as well trained, horde of bandits.

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Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #4

Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #4

With the kidnapping of Yukichi the focus of the issue, we get the young boy Isamu getting a meal and payment from Miyamoto Usagi and then agreeing to lead Usagi, Gen, and Stray Dog to their missing friend. The bandits have their own issues to deal with long before the heroes get there as one of their number, believing Inuyoshi isn’t ruthless enough to lead them, attempts a coup. Thanks to Yukichi’s warning, the former samurai survives now further in debt to Usagi’s family.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Saturday Morning Adventures

  • Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Saturday Morning Adventures (One-shot)
  • Comic Vine: link
  • Writer: Erik Burnham
  • Artist: Jack Lawrence

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Saturday Morning Adventures

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Saturday Morning Adventures One-shot involves the Turtles traveling to Usagi‘s home dimension after Donatello discovers a way to send the rabbit ronin home. What they expect to be a couple of fun days of Usagi showing of his home to Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo, however, soon becomes a battle against the shadow warriors of Lord Desmodus, a despot looking to increase his power and return to conquer his home dimension.

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