The Transformers: The Movie
- Title: The Transformers: The Movie
- IMDb: link
Set 20 years in the future after the events of the show’s Second Season, 1986’s The Transformers: The Movie is memorable for killing off several major characters, introducing new concepts into the canon, and (despite its flaws) remaining the best theatrical Transformers movie. The strength of the film comes in it’s opening act during the Decepticons’ attack on Autobot City on Earth. Making way for new characters such as the energetic Hot Rod (Judd Nelson) and the crotchety Kup (Lionel Stander), the sequence kills off several original characters including Prowl (Michael Bell), Brawn (Corey Burton), Ratchet, Ironhide (Peter Cullen), and Optimus Prime (Cullen).
The death of Optimus Prime is a seminal moment for those who grew up with the toys, comics, and cartoon series. With the Matrix of leadership passed on to a brand-new character in Ultra Magnus (Robert Stack), the Autobots attempt to survive unaware that an even greater threat in the world-eating Unicron (Orson Welles) is looming. Taking the battered Megatron (Frank Welker) and remaking him into his lieutenant Galvatron (Leonard Nimoy) along with new soldiers, Unicron hopes to crush the Autobots.
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