The Question

The Question: All Along the Watchtower #5

With the entire Watchtower under Cyborg-Superman‘s control, Renee races against the clock to prevent the station’s destruction. After a bit of a recap for those who may have not read the previous four issues (I guess?), we get a bit of the Question fighting through the (still conscious) mind-controlled heroes, some of whom are momentarily able to fight Cyborg-Superman’s control to offer some help. Meanwhile, our out-of-control villain even turns on his allies to complete his plans to kill everyone on the station.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #4

After last month’s reveal that Cyborg-Superman is behind the takeover of the Watchtower, The Question: All Along the Watchtower #4 deals mainly with the Question‘s guilt at not stopping him and then bringing Batwoman and Animal Man to her side, and eventually Nightshade as well, and attempting to fight back before the super-villain has an attempt to make good on his threat to employ the Watchtower’s self-destruct with the members of the Justice League aboard.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #3

After stumbling around trying to figure out who is behind the odd events on the Justice League Watchtower, while another hero continues to do the baddie’s dirty work when a possessed Nightshade takes down both Blue Beetles, laying the groundwork to free the person behind everything, the Question is too late as the villain reveals himself in the final frame having successfully breached the tower and having all the heroes trapped and at his mercy.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #2

Renee Montoya continues her new job as the sheriff of the Watchtower which turns into even more of a hairball on day two. First, someone lets loose one of the deadlier animals from the Watchtower’s Menagerie. Second someone appearing to be Batwoman, takes the beast to the Question’s quarters to loose it onto one of the Challengers of the Unknown who it almost mauls to death. Oh, and when that fails, the Eradicator shows up with a stolen power ring for a second murder attempt

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1

Tied into the launch of Justice League Unlimited, The Question: All Along the Watchtower focuses on Renee Montoya being hired by the league to be the sheriff of the Justice League Watchtower while also looking into a feeling of some of the core members of something being wrong with the new version of the League (also foreshadowed in Justice League Unlimited #1).

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