The Question

The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1

Tied into the launch of Justice League Unlimited, The Question: All Along the Watchtower focuses on Renee Montoya being hired by the league to be the sheriff of the Justice League Watchtower while also looking into a feeling of some of the core members of something being wrong with the new version of the League (also foreshadowed in Justice League Unlimited #1).

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Detective Comics #1081

Detective Comics #1081

Starting with an admission that the events of the issue are real, whether or not they are true, the “dead” Batman has been taken into the desert by Talia and left alone to complete a vision quest to conquer the demon within him or become lost in the desert forever. To make it out to the other side, Batman will need to confront the Azmer and Dr. Hurt (who is also the focus of a backup story explaining the madman’s actions through the testimony of some of his victims).

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Checkmate #5

Picking up exactly where Checkmate #4 ended, Leviathan has invaded Checkmate‘s headquarters, which they then teleport into the middle of Thailand. Although their building is rubble, the heroes aren’t quite out of the game as Mark Shaw had planned, thanks to King‘s use of the extra-dimensional doors which deliver them into the basement of the Hall of Justice with hopefully enough time to prevent Leviathan from getting their hands on the Heroes Network.

And, of course, this turns out to be the perfect opportunity for Talia to double-cross the heroes. It’s still not clear what exactly she’s getting out of helping Shaw, but incapacitating the heroes at the point they might stop him from realizing his goal certainly works in Leviathan’s favor.

Lois Lane is fairing a bit better with the sudden appearance of a brother she never knew about, but the “Snowman’s Ticket” is still a git of a mystery, except, perhaps to Mark Shaw.

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Leviathan Dawn #1

Leviathan Dawn #1 comic reviewThe next chapter of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Alex Maleev’s Leviathan tale begins here. The are two stories taking place in Leviathan Dawn #1. The first involves new character Kingley Jacobs taking a look at the destruction which Leviathan has wrought and putting together a team from the ashes of the various spy agencies Mark Shaw left in his wake.

Jacobs’ recruiting pitch begins with Steve Trevor who was meant to be Leviathan’s fall guy until Shaw’s identity was exposed. To that group, Kingley adds Lois Lane, Green Arrow, the Question (who is already investigating in Beijing), Mr. Bones, Kate Spencer, and one of the recruit who nearly kills Trevor before he can make his sales pitch and who the others are less than thrilled about. An unorthodox team to be sure (featuring some fun dynamics), but does this new version of Checkmate stand a chance versus Leviathan?

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