- Title: The Mandalorian – Chapter 22: Guns for Hire / Chapter 23: The Spies
- wiki: link, link
The two episode building to the season finale focus on bringing the Mandalorian tribes back together and the return to their homeworld. Well, that is except for another side quest that takes up 90% of “Guns for Hire,” but at least this one involves our main character. Feeling like a mix of world building and rehash of previously defeated villains, with some odd Asimov-ish droid plot thrown in, neither episode is bad but neither really focuses on either the characters or the plot offering something new. That’s not to say there aren’t enjoyable moments, such as Grogu thoroughly enjoying his new murderous mode of transportation (which also allows him to more easily communicate to the other characters).
The Mandalorians – Guns for Hire / The SpiesRead More »