
Action Comics #19

Action Comics #19The much ballyhooed run of creative team of writer Andy Diggle and artist Tony S. Daniel begins and ends here. As you might have heard, Diggle quit the title before his first issue ever hit the stands due to irreconcilable issues with DC Editorial. Daniel will continue the arc doing double duty as both writer and artist.

Action Comics #19 certainly has its moments including a look at what Lex Luthor has in mind for the Man of Steel and a nice moment between Clark and Lois in a Quarac hotel bar that good-naturedly pokes some fun at the most ridiculous disguise in all of comics.

The rest of the comic features Superman battling giant robots (for reasons that don’t make a lot of sense), Lex Luthor keeping his shrink locked up for an accurate diagnosis of him as a megalomanical psychopath, and a weird hallucinatory moment where Superman thinks one of the soldiers piloting the robots is Jimmy Olsen (which, also, makes very little sense). Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $3.99]

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Coming Soon

  • Title: Man of Steel
  • IMDB: link

Man of Steel

Warner Bros. has released a (somewhat blurry) movie poster and new full-length trailer for Man of Steel, DC’s new Superman reboot starring Henry Cavill and directed by Zack Snyder. Although the new trailer doesn’t give away much more about the film’s plot than the earlier teaser trailer it does give us some strong hints that we are in for yet another origin tale as well as giving us glimpses of Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and Zod (Michael Shannon). Russell CroweKevin CostnerDiane LaneLaurence Fishburne, and Tahmoh Penikett also star. Man of Steel opens in theaters on June 14th.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws #14

red-hood-and-the-outlaws-14-coverThe Red Hood, Arsenal, and Starfire return from their outer space adventure only to have another alien hunt them down – Superman. Despite knowing they can’t win the battle the Outlaws take on the Man of Steel until eventually exhausting themselves and hearing what Superman wants.

I’m glad to see the group back on Earth, and the appearance of Superman (and their reaction to him) works well-enough. However, the comic gets into deep trouble with Superman’s weak explanation for showing up and the comic’s 180-degree shift to move the story into a Death of the Family crossover.

Given Jason Todd’s personal experience with the Joker it should have been the easiest thing in the world to tie the comic to the ongoing Bat-title crossover. However, what we are given here is awkward beyond belief reinforcing the idea that the Joker is responsible for Todd being chosen as Robin in moves that make the impossibly complicated plans of Heath Ledger’s Joker look amateurish by comparison. Hit-and-Miss.

[DC, $2.99]

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News and Notes – Neil deGrasse Tyson discovers Krypton

Neil deGrasse Tyson discovers KryptonToday’s issue of Action Comics #14 (entitled “Star Light, Star Bright”) features an appearance by world-renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson who shows up to help Superman discover the true location of his home planet of Krypton. Applying real science to the character’s comic book legend Tyson discovered a “red dwarf star designated for having the ability to support a Krypton-like planet is located in the constellation Corvus 27.1 light years from Earth.”

This means, beginning today, and following the coordinates supplied by Tyson, any amateur astronomer can find the little spec of light in the sky known as Krypton. For more you can find the full press release inside.

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