
Justice League Unlimited #2

The initial arc of the new Justice League Unlimited comic continues. In Costa Rica, Superman leads a team of Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, Star Sapphire, Martian Manhunter, Black Lightning, and Dr. Occult against Parademons. A wounded Batman arrives with even graver news about stolen children, sending some of the team after the Parademon nest and others in search of the kids.

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Jenny Sparks #5

Taking break from the standoff between Jenny Sparks and Captain Atom, Jenny Sparks #5 works as something of an origin issue offering flashbacks to both Captain Atom’s origins and to Jenny Sparks’ recruitment by Superman and Batman. The latter provides the big laughs of the issue while the former helps reintroduce the character of Atom and restate the challenges Jenny has in dealing with him through her discussion of one of the hostages whose cancer he cured.

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The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1

Tied into the launch of Justice League Unlimited, The Question: All Along the Watchtower focuses on Renee Montoya being hired by the league to be the sheriff of the Justice League Watchtower while also looking into a feeling of some of the core members of something being wrong with the new version of the League (also foreshadowed in Justice League Unlimited #1).

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Justice League Unlimited #1

Taking a page from the Justice League Unlimited TV-series, Justice League #1 reboots the Justice League as a worldwide group of heroes helping to fight threats around the world from the Watchtower. After a quick tour of the tower by the Flash for newbie Air Wave, a group of members (Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Firestorm, Kid Flash, and Star Sapphire) is sent to deal with an issue in South Africa involving a terrorist group calling itself Inferno (who it appears will be sticking around for awhile). 

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Jenny Sparks #3

Jenny Sparks #3

While providing a flashback to Jenny Sparks and Superman discussing his role as the most powerful being on the planet shortly after her return from the dead, the majority of Jenny Sparks #3 continues to focus on the Captain Atom issue with the former Leaguer holding hostages and demanding to be recognized as a god. The Justice League has arrived to handle the situation, ignoring Jenny’s input in favor a a shock and awe campaign that eventually just leaves us with the same status quo (well, that and Atom’s daughter who he barbeques rather than let her talk sense into him – not your best idea Justice League).

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