Star Wars

Star Wars #17

Star Wars #17After teasing us over the past couple of issues with the looming betrayal of Arrochar and its monarchy, it finally arrives just hours before Leia‘s wedding which was meant to seal the alliance between the Rebels and the planet’s leaders against the Empire.

Although there is an attack in the palace just before the wedding, and an armada of Star Destroyers appears in orbit led by none other than Darth Vader himself, the majority of Star Wars #17 focuses on Luke and how quickly what started out as him tagging along with a group of soldiers to change a fuel cell on a mountain outpost soon turns deadly as the group’s true agenda of leaving Luke dead in the mountains becomes evident.

The return of Obi-Wan‘s guidance helps save Luke’s life and prepare him for the deception to come, but I wonder home much of Ben’s ghostly wisdom the comic should and/or will use going forward as Luke’s own instincts should have likely warned him of the danger (even with his only limited understanding of the Force). Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1

Star Wars: Rebel Heist #1The first issue of the new Star Wars mini-series Star Wars: Rebel Heist, taking place during the same period between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back as the current ongoing Dark Horse comic, is presented from the view of a new Rebel recruit who meets Han Solo for the first time. It’s certainly a memorable meeting.

Our narrator’s name is never given as his opinion of Corellia‘s most infamous son goes from awe to disbelief to exasperation as Solo navigates the alleys and skies above his homeworld only to get the pair eventually captured and then interrogated by Imperial agents.

With each issue centering around the combination of both a core Star Wars character and original characters to the expanded Star Wars Universe Star Wars: Rebel Heist gets off to a good start here. I like Marco Castiello’s art (even if some panels do feel a bit rushed) and Matt Kindt captures Solo through the eyes of of a hero-worshiping fanboy in way over his head. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $3.50]

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Star Wars #16

Star Wars #16With a grounded and disgruntled Luke heading off with some of the locals to change a fuel cell on a mountain outpost the latest issue of Star Wars shows us the farm boy from Tatooine and his friends are hardly the only ones with serious doubts about Leia‘s impending wedding and the new alliance between the Rebels and Arrochar.

As Leia fights pressure to act in a manner more befitting a princess from both her fiance and the aristocracy of the rich world which will make a powerful ally for the Rebellion, Luke spends time with the locals who are far less convinced that Arrochar should shed its isolation and get involved in a conflict which hasn’t concerned them until now.

Continuing to foreshadow the betrayal of Leia’s betrothed and Arrochar, the latest issue also gives us a glimpse at an Imperial Probe Droid making it a good bet that the Empire knows exactly where the leaders of the Rebel Alliance are to be found. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Star Wars #15

Star Wars #15The latest issue of Star Wars centers around the Rebellion’s arrival to Arrochar, Leia‘s impending wedding to Prince Kaspar, and Luke‘s reaction to the news which gets him grounded from the newly-formed Rogue Squadron and seriously contemplating leaving the Rebellion.

Very much a middle-issue of an arc, Star Wars #15 gives us our first look at the world which Leia hopes to make the new permanent home of the Rebellion, Kaspar, and how the unusual circumstances of a marriage to cement the partnership between the planet to the Rebellion effect everyone, particularly Luke.

We don’t get much in the way of action here, other than Luke’s reckless flying that eventually gets him grounded by Wedge, but the comic doesn’t end before we get a brief hint of the darker intentions of the royal house of Arrochar suggesting how the storyline may play out. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Star Wars #14

Star Wars #14The second-half of Ensign Nanda‘s five days with Darth Vader on a secret mission of revenge concludes with Vader collecting Tag Rogaren from the asteroid fields of Alderaan and swiftly dealing with the elite Stormtroopers who decide they’d rather turn in the man for a bounty than see him returned to the Empire.

The final piece of the puzzle locks into place when Vader and Nanda head to Bircher‘s homeworld and discover the traitor’s connection to Mon Mothma whose family home the Dark Lord of the Sith obliterates from low orbit with Nanda as the only silent witness to his actions.

I’m sorry to see what has been the best arc of the series so far come to and end. Although Nanda survives her two days with the most dangerous man in the known universe, and even gets what was promised to her, we see how the emotional scars left from the five days will last a lifetime. Best of the Week.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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