Star Wars: Forces of Destiny

Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – The Imposter Inside

  • Title: Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – The Imposter Inside
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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - The Imposter Inside

Star Wars Sunday takes us back to another Star Wars: Forces of Destiny short. Set some time before the events of Rise of the Sith, we get a team-up of prequel characters when, while visiting Amidala (Catherine Taber), Ahsoka (Ashley Eckstein) notices something amiss leading to the discovery of an assassin working towards disrupting negotiations. There as some continuity issues here with Ahsoka feeling far to old for the story, but the pair are fun together taking down the assassin Cato Parasitti (Gina Torres).

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Porg Problems

  • Title: Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Porg Problems
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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Porg Problems

Taking place during the events of The Last Jedi, “Porg Problems” give us Rey‘s (Daisy Ridley) Force training on interrupted by a porg which steals Luke’s lightsaber. There’s not much to the short with Rey quickly tracking the porg down and using the Force to retrieve the lightsaber, but it’s a fun little adventure that results Rey making friends with the porgs who unintentionally help with her training.

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Run Rey Run

  • Title: Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Run Rey Run
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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Run Rey Run

The exact timing of “Run Rey Run” is a little unclear, but it does take place sometime before the events of The Force Awakens. We get another appearance by Teedo, a common antagonist for Rey (Daisy Ridley) in these shorts, who attempts to steal scavenged items from the derelict Star Destroyer from Rey only succeeding in bringing an entire section on the ship down on their heads. Rey saves both the tech and her adversary who reluctantly watches Rey speed away with the goods.

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – BB-8 Bandits

  • Title: Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – BB-8 Bandits
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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - BB-8 Bandits

Set during The Force Awakens and after the previous short, “BB-8 Bandits” gives us the return of the scavenger Teedo and his associate attempting to reacquire the droid Rey (Daisy Ridley) saved from him in the film. Rey rescues the droid again, this time making use of her new friend the nightwachter worm to prevent Teedo from coming after them again. Not quite as strong as the first short, but it does build upon what it introduced and produce some fun moments for Star Wars fans.

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Sands of Jakku

  • Title: Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – Sands of Jakku
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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - Sands of Jakku

The first of the Star Wars: Forces of Destiny shorts takes place during The Force Awakens after Rey (Daisy Ridley) meets BB-8. Returning home, the pair run into a nightwachter worm who eats leftover technology and garbage and takes a keen interest in the droid. Rey’s quick thinking, and yet undiscovered Force-sensitivity and reflexes, saves the droid, but she also feeds the beast with some substitute garbage earning herself a friend which will play into the show’s second short.

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