- Title: Pretty Little Liars – Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars
- wiki: link
Sorry, I don’t get it. The Sixth Season of Pretty Little Liars comes to a close with the plan of the Liars to capture the new A backfiring (like their plans usually do) leading to Hanna (Ashley Benson) being taken by their adversary. The finale’s big reveal takes place first under the ruins of Radley and later at the remains of Caleb‘s (Tyler Blackburn) trap as we learn Alison’s mother has a twin sister, Mary Drake (Andrea Parker), who is the real mother of Charlotte. Apparently she’s been working with Elliot (Huw Collins) this entire time to steal Alison’s 51% share of the Carissimi Group. This explains the sudden gaslighting of Alison by her husband and aunt (admittedly creepy and effective, but should have started weeks ago), but not the torturing of the Liars themselves (as it seems the an extremely unlikely way to solve Charlotte’s murder).
Pretty Little Liars – Hush, Hush, Sweet LiarsRead More »