Secret Six

Secret Six #1

The first issue to kick off a new volume of Secret Six doesn’t feel much like a Secret Six comic with the focus primarily being characters not used in any previous series. Set in the aftermath of Absolute Power, the first issue really focuses on, in descending levels of importance, Jon Kent, his boyfriend Gossamer, and Dreamer who arrives to inform the pair Amanda Waller has disappeared. Looking in to where Waller should be, things get Secret Six adjacent with the trio breaking Black Alice out of prison. It’s not until the final panel, however, where the count adds up to six with the cameo appearances of Catman and Deadshot.

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Secret Six #14

Secret Six #14Much as the New 52 version of Secret Six has felt like a lesser version of the previous comic, it’s finale feels very much like a watered-down version of the previous comic’s finale issue where the team took on the entire DCU. Here the group, along with some help from Scandal Savage, Ragdoll, Jeannette, and Knockout, attacks the League of Assassins in a suicidal attempt to save their friend Strix.

Even if the stakes are smaller and more personal this time around for the group’s last stand, writer Gail Simone offers plenty of action including Strix versus Lady Shiva (in more ways than one), a giant Black Alice wreaking havoc, and Catman kicking a little ass. We also get betrayal and the odd family coming back together in the suburbs for the final few panels.

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Secret Six #13

Secret Six #13As Strix adjust to her new life with the League of Assassins her former teammates begin making preparations for a suicide run against the deadliest group of killers on the planet in order to get their friend back. With Catman calling in a favor to Scandal Savage, next month’s final issue is likely to be a mix of classic and New 52 members of the team against incredible odds (not unlike the previous volume’s farewell).

Strix’s perspective inside the home of the League proves to be a bloody good time (literally as she kills her way through the test subjects put in her path by Lady Shiva, each in the garb of one of her teammates). Not only surviving Shiva’s challenge but excelling in a way that even surprises the world’s most dangerous woman, I wonder whether or not we will get to see these two square off before the dust settles.

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Secret Six #12

Secret Six #12With a few arcs under its belt it looks like its time for a little shake-up to the current status quo of the Secret Six. The neighborhood gets a trio of unexpected visitors in Secret Six #12. With Batgirl still hanging around from last month’s issue, Lady Shiva comes calling on the house of misfit toys. Determined to make Strix an offer the assassin can’t refuse, Shiva makes quick work of Catman, Strix, and Batgirl. Further threatening the lives of her new friends, Shiva convinces Strix to join the League of Assassins.

We also get an appearance by Sue Dinby which has a dramatic effect on her husband. Say goodbye to Big Shot and say hello to the Elongated Man. Maybe his heroic look can rub off on Catman next?

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Secret Six #10

Secret Six #10After Zatanna recaps the events of the arc so far, “House of Strangers” concludes with the Secret Six taking on Superman to fight for the right to destroy the world in order to save the life of Black Alice. But if the world ends how will Black Alice be safe? Hey, we never said these guys were smart. Loyal, sure. But not smart.

Gail Simone has to think outside of the box to find a way for the half-dozen rogues to stand toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel and come out on top. Not bad for a band of misfits thrown together by chance. That said, the comic ends on an anti-climactic note as the decision of friend vs. world is taken out of their hands and the story simply peters out.

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