Science Fiction

Terminator Zero – Model 103

  • Title: Terminator Zero – Model 103
  • IMDb: link

Terminator Zero - Model 103

In the closed catacombs the Terminator finally catches up with the kids. Luckily for them,  Eiko (Sonoya Mizuno) arrives soon after to buy them time to escape. Those segments in the closed down underground shop are pretty boilerplate Terminator while the thread of Malcolm Lee (André Holland) continuing to discuss humanity to his AI which he hopes will save humanity, but in Eiko’s timeline fails to do so, continues to feel like filler as nothing can advance in that subplot without either Ekio reaching Malcolm or Malcolm turning his AI loose.

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  • Title: Uglies
  • IMDb: link


Based on the young adult novel of the same name, Uglies offers a dystopian world where children are raised in orphanages before coming of age where they are offered advanced plastic surgery in order to fit in and join the lavish city ending their life as “uglies” and beginning their lives as “pretties.” Wearing its themes on its sleeves,  Tilly’s (Joey King) conception of the world is challenged by both her best friend (Chase Stokes) changing more than just his outward appearance after leaving the city and also by a new friend (Brianne Tju) choosing to abandon civilization rather than go through the procedure.

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The Umbrella Academy – Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days

  • Title: The Umbrella Academy – Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days
  • wiki: link

The Umbrella Academy - Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days

While offering some interesting aspects, “Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days” turns out to be an odd choice for the penultimate episode of the series. Had there been more room to play with the looming finale spending a full episode on Five (Aidan Gallagher) and Lila (Ritu Arya) getting lost in subway to alternate realities or having Luther (Tom Hopper) and Diego (David Castañeda) waste their time with the CIA would certainly be worth exploring. However, that means everything else is put on hold leaving only a single episode to deal with Ben (Justin H. Min) and Jennifer’s (Victoria Sawal) badly-rendered CGI merging, the explanation for motives and events, and the final mission of the Umbrella Academy.

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Terminator Zero – Model 102

  • Title: Terminator Zero – Model 102
  • IMDb: link

Terminator Zero - Model 102

While suggesting creating an unsympathetic artificial intelligence to stop the rise of a separate unsympathetic artificial intelligence may have not been the smartest move to save the human race, “Model 102” gets Eiko (Sonoya Mizuno) back to 1997 to track down Malcolm Lee (André Holland) and prevent him from helping create the hellscape of her reality in 2022. The twist in the early part of the series is the scientist’s big dreams of stopping Skynet with his own AI apparently only help bring about the disastrous future of the Terminators.

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