Red Sonja

Red Sonja #18

The war of wizards and gods comes to a close in Red Sonja #18 as Sonja rejoins the fight and eventually comes face-to-face with Kulan Garth. Her first attempt to kill the wizard doesn’t take, but she is able to eventually put him down to the delight of the shadow powers he had forced under his control. Those powers give Red Sonja leave to return home with the cost that no one remembers her actions or heroism in the war, which, for the She-Devil with a Sword is no price at all.

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Red Sonja #16

As both Kulan Garth and Erlick separately search for her leaving valleys of bodies in their wake, Red Sonja heads through the wetlands into the mountains with Unnar, and with the warrior Atali on her heels. Despite death taking a grip on her, Sonja continues along fighting her own visions (which she discovers the ability to alter), Kulan Garth’s shadows, and giant monsters standing in the way of her path to the Afterworld.

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Red Sonja #15

Red Sonja #15

Over the years Red Sonja has been several things. As Red Sonja #15 opens she is both revered as Goddess and an imprisoned captive as the war between the living and the dead continues to rage. By the end of the issue Sonja’s captivity won’t be a problem, thanks in part to her going all stabby-stabby and killing the man who had planned to sacrifice her on an altar to enhance his power, and thanks in part to the arrival of the army of the dead hunting her and adding to its number with every slain warrior who crosses its path.

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Red Sonja: Death and the Devil #1

Red Sonja: Death and the Devil #1

Attempting to make amends for her action of killing the Sultan of Turan which plunged his kingdom into chaos to be fought over by warlords and the Cult of Set, Red Sonja attempts to find the missing young prince and restore some order to the region. This is easier said then done as the cult has already got their fangs into the young boy with plans of their own for both the princeling and the kingdom of Turan.

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Red Sonja #11

Red Sonja #11

As the war looms, and gods and mortals prepare for battle, Red Sonja goes in search of an item she is told can save the world: the soul of a god. Red Sonja #11 is a pretty talking issue mostly setting up future events, explaining the wills of the gods, and offering a revelation at the end which will change everything as we see Sonja interacting with some of the bizarre new people she’s met and goes in search of the soul of a god which Kulan Garth covets and may be the key to everything.

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