Mr. Monk and the Earthquake
- Title: Monk – Mr. Monk and the Earthquake
- wiki: link
Monk Monday takes us back to San Francisco and the toils of the defective detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub). “Mr. Monk and the Earthquake” offers extra opportunities for Shahloub to have some fun when Monk finds himself temporarily in a dissociative state spouting gibberish while attempting to communicate. As Dr. Kroger (Stanley Kamel) suggests, the condition is temporary allowing Monk to return to normal in the middle of the episode but it does reoccur after an aftershock producing one of the more humorous sequences of the series as Monk launches into his “here’s what happened spiel” without anyone being able to understand him and struggles with directing a cabbie to Sharona‘s (Bitty Schram) apartment during the climax.
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