Maggie Grace

The Fog

  • Title: The Fog (2005)
  • IMDb: link

The Fog

Flashback Friday takes us back to the 2005 remake of John Carpenter’s film of vengeful spirits returning to enact revenge 100 years after their death on the town that wronged them. While the effects of the remake are noticeably better than the original, and effort has been made to tie the characters closer together, the 2005 version of The Fog is lacks the vibe, style, and unsettling nature of the original.

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The Following – Pilot

  • Title: The Following – Pilot
  • link

The Following - Pilot

The new show from Kevin Williamson (Dawson’s Creek, The Vampire Diaries, I Know What You Did Last Summer) stars Kevin Bacon as retired FBI Agent Ryan Hardy who is reinstated to bring in escaped serial killer Joe Carroll (James Purefoy) who he helped put away eight years ago. After visiting the prison, Ryan heads out to the FBI command center to meet the Agency’s wunderkid analyst (Shawn Ashmore) and discovers for the past few months the genius killer had access to the Internet through the prison law library which he used fro far more nefarious purposes than just planning his appeal.

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Taken 2: The Wrath of Nameless Eastern European Thugs

  • Title: Taken 2
  • IMDB: link

taken-2-posterDirected by Pierre Morel and written by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen, 2008’s Taken starred Liam Neeson as retired CIA Agent Bryan Mills – a man forced to use his “particular set of skills” to rescue his daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) who was abducted by an Albanian human trafficking ring while vacationing in Paris. Over the course of the film Mills racked up an impressive amount of property damage while assaulting, torturing, and killing dozens of people including shooting the wife of a French police officer (Olivier Rabourdin), and close friend, in front of him.

Taken 2 returns Neeson, Grace, and Famke Janssen (as Mills’ ex-wife), who take a family vacation in Istanbul only to find their past finally catch up with them. Mills and his family are hunted by members (who may, or may not, have ties to the trafficking ring) of the families of the men he killed in the first movie. When Mills and his ex-wife are taken the super bad-ass senior citizen will have to rely on the help of his daughter to wreck another city, rack up a hefty body count, and save both himself and her mother.

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  • Title: Lockout
  • IMDB: link

lockout-posterBorrowing pieces, plot threats, and characters from the likes of Escape From New York, Outland, Demolition Man, and others, co-writers and co-directors James Mather and Stephen St. Leger give us an outer space action film set 65 years into our future about an orbiting prison ship filled with the dregs of humanity, the President’s daughter trapped inside, and the one man who can get her home.

To put it bluntly, this ain’t Shakespeare. Lockout would feel right at home on as part of a lazy Saturday afternoon triple feature sandwiched between The Last Boy Scout and Runaway. It’s certainly a flawed piece of filmmaking, and at times dumb as a brick, but with a smart ass sense of humor and two likable leads the movie provides its share of fun moments.

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Catch .44

  • Title: Catch .44
  • IMDB: link

catch-44-dvdI’m not sure if writer/director Aaron Harvey is attempting to give us nothing more than B-movie along the lines of 2 Days in the Valley or (God help us) Smokin’ Aces or if he aspires to something more like early Tarantino. Whatever his intentions, what Catch .44 delivers is a trio of attractive actresses, short skirts, a couple loving butt shots, and a movie not nearly as smart as it wants to be.

Our story begins with a theft of a drug shipment gone wrong. Our would be robbers are a trio of women working for a local drug trafficker (Bruce Willis). After the opening shootout the movie resets to the beginning of the night as Tes (Malin Akerman), Kara (Nikki Reed), and Dawn (Deborah Ann Woll) while away the hours together before their job goes horribly wrong.

Tes is the leader of the pack, or “the smart one.” A waitress in a seedy strip club who gets kicks by stealing customers wallets, she takes the job as a drug runner as much out of boredom as anything else.

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