Justice League

The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1

Tied into the launch of Justice League Unlimited, The Question: All Along the Watchtower focuses on Renee Montoya being hired by the league to be the sheriff of the Justice League Watchtower while also looking into a feeling of some of the core members of something being wrong with the new version of the League (also foreshadowed in Justice League Unlimited #1).

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Justice League Unlimited #1

Taking a page from the Justice League Unlimited TV-series, Justice League #1 reboots the Justice League as a worldwide group of heroes helping to fight threats around the world from the Watchtower. After a quick tour of the tower by the Flash for newbie Air Wave, a group of members (Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Firestorm, Kid Flash, and Star Sapphire) is sent to deal with an issue in South Africa involving a terrorist group calling itself Inferno (who it appears will be sticking around for awhile). 

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Jenny Sparks #3

Jenny Sparks #3

While providing a flashback to Jenny Sparks and Superman discussing his role as the most powerful being on the planet shortly after her return from the dead, the majority of Jenny Sparks #3 continues to focus on the Captain Atom issue with the former Leaguer holding hostages and demanding to be recognized as a god. The Justice League has arrived to handle the situation, ignoring Jenny’s input in favor a a shock and awe campaign that eventually just leaves us with the same status quo (well, that and Atom’s daughter who he barbeques rather than let her talk sense into him – not your best idea Justice League).

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