Iron Man

West Coast Avengers #1

The new volume of West Coast Avengers introduces a team led by Tony Stark (wearing some classic, if underpowered, armor) including War Machine, Spider-Woman, Firestar, and a pair of former villains in the Ultron and the new character Blue Bolt (showcasing the idea for the team to try and reform villains and turn them into heroes using their powers for good). The result of the teams actions in the field, so far, are mixed. And as for Ultron… it seems the redeemed robot has a new hobby not likely to win over new friends.

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Iron Cat #5

The five-issue Iron Cat series comes to a close with the not-at-all-shocking reappearance of Tamara Blake who shows up, still very much alive, just in time to help Black Cat and Iron Man turn the tables on Madame Menace. The finale also sees Tamara and Felicia work through their issues with each other, and both suit up in armor to give Stark time enough to beat his ex.

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Iron Cat #4

Iron Cat #4 continues the comic’s opening arc with the betrayal of Madame Menace now loose and planning to destroy the world and Tamara Blake forced to work with Black Cat and Iron Man to try to fix the mess she caused in her quest for revenge. While giving us the “apparent” death of Blake, there’s plenty of misdirection here and it certainly wouldn’t surprise me to see her pop back up before the arc concludes.

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