Dead Boy Detectives – The Case of the Devlin House
- Title: Dead Boy Detectives – The Case of the Devlin House
- IMDb: link
After getting multiple offers from the town’s ghost population, Edwin (George Rexstrew), Charles (Jayden Revri), and Crystal (Kassius Nelson) decide to investigate a haunted house where a family (Hannah Bos, Christine Chatelain, Jason Deline, and Audrey Mallett) has been stuck in the loop of their murders since the 80s. The loop, and the struggle to find its trigger, offers an intriguing mystery and a nice mix of macabre humor and horror for the investigators (especially after Charles’ recklessness gets him trapped in the loop as well).
Dead Boy Detectives – The Case of the Devlin HouseRead More »
Dead Boy Detectives – The Case of the Devlin House Read More »