
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #8

btvs-season-nine-8-coverThe search to discover the truth behind how Buffy was replaced with a Buffybot with all of the Slayer’s memories leads one-armed mechanical Buffy and Spike to the one person they know with experience in this type of thing – Andrew.

It turns out not only is Andrew responsible for downloading Buffy’s brain and sticking it into a robot, but he did it to help the Slayer. Now the group has to retreive Buffy’s real body (which is living out an idyllic life in the suburbs with no knowledge of who she really is) before someone else finds her. However, they may already be too late.

With the first big Season Nine twist writer Andrew Chambliss keeps going for the unexpected. This isn’t some nefarious plot by a big bad to hurt the Slayer, but an ill-thought-out attempt by a friend to keep her safe. Meanwhile, with the Slayer out of action Xander and Dawn help Detective Dowling with his Zompire problem. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #7

btvs-season-nine-7-coverGiven her current situation Buffy decides to move out of her apartment (not realizing that both Anaheed and Tumble want her to stay) and onto the bug ship with Spike. Because, you know, nothing says normal like living on an alien spaceship with your undead ex-boyfriend.

When Detective Dowling finds himself overmatched with a vampire nest he pulls Spike away from an awkward heart-to-heart with Buffy. It’s the post-fight fallout however that will leave the vampire, and readers, stunned as writer Andrew Chambliss throws a huge curveball into a controversial, but very strong, story arc I’ve really enjoyed. I’m a little pissed at the decision, but I’ve got to admit I didn’t see it coming.

I’m not sure exactly what this means for Buffy’s pregnancy or her relationship with Spike, but from what we see at the end of this issue I’m going to assume things are going to get far more complicated before the season arc decides to answer either of those questions. Worth a look.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Fatale #3

fatale-3-coverNicholas Lash continues to search for clues into the mysterious woman and the odd circumstances that left him with a vandalized house, the loss of a limb, and a bizarre manuscript that has more truth in it than he originally realizes.

My problem with issue #2 was it was entirely set in the past. This month’s issue not only returns the Nicholas Lash character, but starts him on an investigation which should bring both storylines together.

In the past we see just how powerful Josephine’s pull over Hank is, and when confronted by a deranged cultist from her past, we see her ability to bend men to her will can have deadly consequences. I’m not quite as sold on the corrupt cop storyline, but I’m willing to wait to see how it all plays out.

A very strong issue that doesn’t give away many of its secrets but doesn’t feel like its necessarily obscuring a reveal for another month either. I can’t wait to see where this supernatural noir goes from here.

[Image, $3.50]

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #6

btvs-season-nine-6-coverAs Buffy deals with news that’s she’s pregnant writer Andrew Chambliss takes the opportunity to showcase not only the current Slayer’s fears of what a pregnancy might mean but that of another Slayer who went through the same emotions a few decades earlier – Robin Wood‘s mother Nikki.

For a comic book centered around a tiny blond who kills vampires this issue has quite a bit going on. I’m really liking how personal Season Nine feels after Season Eight spiraled so far out of control. And for a comic that I’ve found the art to be inconsistant so far artist Georges Jeanty nails the characters this time around.

Not only do we get flashbacks between Nikki and her Watcher but we get frank conversations between Buffy and Robin, and later between Buffy and Spike. And, although the some might object, I was certainly impressed how the issue of an abortion was not only introduced but discussed.

Even if you haven’t read the first arc of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine, if you’re a fan of the character you should definitely find a copy, especially if you can find the old school variant cover. Best of the week.

[Dark Horse, $2.99]

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Fatale #2

fatale-2-coverEd Brubaker and Sean Phillips continue their noir horror tale with a second issue that focuses solely on the 1950’s storylines where Hank Raines finds himself falling more and more under the influence of the beautiful Josephine while her husband, Detective Walt Booker, continues his investigation into an occult murder for his own nefarious purposes.

The second issue continues to impress, although I was a little disappointed to find the modern Nicolas Lash story wasn’t woven into the the story.

We get mysterious symbols, betrayal, murder, marital infidelity, forbidden passion, police corruption, secret meetings, secrets, cult members speaking in tongues, lies, and more foreshadowing that monsters in this world are lying in wait just under the surface waiting to strike.

If you have any interest in pulp and noir tales, with a little horror thrown in, here’s a comic you really should enjoy. I would have like more of Nicolas’ story here as well, but I can wait until next month. Worth a look.

[Image, $3.50]

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