Green Lantern

Supergirl #23

Supergirl #23 comic reviewSearching for answers about Rogol Zaar and the destruction of Krypton has led Kara to the archives of the Green Lantern Corps. Breaking in she learns the existence of a conspiracy to cover up the truth behind Krypton’s destruction by an inner circle. Armed with limited knowledge, and even more questions, Supergirl must fight her way through the Green Lantern Corps if her quest is to continue.

While the comic offers more questions than answers, and forces Kara down a path that a reasonable explanation might very well circumvent, it does layout the mystery before her and offer another breadcrumb in her search. Along the way Supergirl #23 delivers some amusing moments including Kara making Kyle Rayner look foolish (as easy as that may be to do), Krypto making a new frenemy among the members of the Corps, and Kara getting help from an unexpected source.

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Supergirl #21

Supergirl #21 comic reviewSupergirl #21 is a transitional issue that gives Kara a new purpose and mission far from her adopted home. Recent events with Rogol Zaar have raised far too many questions for the Maid of Might, and after the discovery that even the Guardians of the Universe have something to hide about the mad man who claims to have destroyed Krytpton, Supergirl heads out to find answers.

Kara’s absence leaves yet another hole in Superman’s world as recent events have the character more isolated that he’s been in quite some time. The choice of Kara’s traveling companion is an interesting one that provides some familial bond and also gives Kara someone to talk to in the darker and lonelier moments.

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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #49

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #49 comic reviewHal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #49 continues the war between the Green Lantern Corps and their various allies versus the Darkstars. In a coordinated assault, Hal Jordan and Hector Hammond attack the Controllers, disrupting the inter-connectivity of the Darkstars, giving their allies a fighting chance.

Still greatly outnumbered, that doesn’t stop John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Zod, and the rest of the alliance from giving their all. Meanwhile, this brings Hal Jordan face-to-face with Tomar Tu setting up the extra-sized fiftieth issue showdown between the two characters and their respective armies.

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Justice League #1

Justice League #1 comic reviewWriter Scott Snyder and artist Jim Cheung relaunch the Justice League with a first issue that throws the reader into a battle between the Neanderthal army of Vandal Savage and the Justice League. Several DC heroes as shown, and others are mentioned as the group fights across the world on multiple fronts. However, the true danger lies not on the ground but from the skies.

There’s much to like here include the classic nod to the Justice League meeting in the Hall of Justice. This new version also has the Martian Manhunter as the chairman of the league, using his telepathic abilities to connect the heroes around the globe and, when necessary, bring the core members together in a psychic board room. I’m also pleased to see that the core group includes another female hero, besides Wonder Woman, in Hawgirl.

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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43 comic reviewEverything old is new again. The current arc of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps ressurects some of the rivalry the Green Lantern Corps had with the other rainbow lanterns (or even the older issues with the Manhunters) by this time pitting the Corps against the Darkstars. Created by the Controllers, the Darkstars are similar in makeup to the Green Lantern Corps by recruiting soldiers from across the universe. Where the Darkstars differ is in their blunt and brutal form of justice that ends in the same sentence: death.

While the Corps sets out to rescue former Lantern Tomar Tu, what Hal Jordan finds instead of brainwashed hostage is a willing member of the Darkstars (a group far larger in number than the Corps). Instead of a friend in need of rescue, Hal finds a disciple attempting to win the Green Lantern over to his side.

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