Green Lantern

Green Lantern #20

Green Lantern #20 offers a couple of stories. In the main tale, we get Hal Jordan on the planet Alteon-X where Erastus the Blacksmith has been consumed with rage, rampaging across the entire planet leaving bodies in his wake. Unable to reason with the hate-fueled madman, Hal attempts to try and let the rage run its course only for it to build to a climax leaving only destruction in its wake. While not a bad little story, there’s nothing all that memorable at the one-off baddie whose anger eventually destroys him.

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Green Lantern Corps #1

After the fall of the United Planets, a new volume of Green Lantern Corps begins here with the Corps working to restore order in a universe where the emotional spectrum has gone out of whack, replenish its ranks with new recruits, and earn back some respect. With an extensive cast, the comic looks like it will focus on a revolving focus of a main character or main characters every issue/arc. Although we see the likes of Jo Mullein, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, a rehabilitated Sinestro, and Simon Baz (among others), the main character in the first issue is John Stewart.

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Green Lantern Dark #1

Green Lantern Dark #1

It begins with the end of the world. The first issue of the seven-issue mini-series introduces us to a world of darkness where monsters prey on the survivors of a post-apocalyptic Earth. Some, like the young Lunette believe that the last remaining hero, the Green Lantern, will save them from the dark. But when the Lantern arrives in town, she’s not who Lunette expected believing the power she carries is a curse only lighting the remains of a world already damned.

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Green Lantern #14

Green Lantern #14

An Absolute Power tie-in issue, Green Lantern #14 gives us both Alan Scott and Hal Jordan as prisoners in one of the Bureau of Sovereignty‘s facilities. The two are dealing with their incarceration differently. While Scott remains in his cell for the entire issue, playing chess with the Amazo robot who stole his power and contemplating whether or not it can be turned to his side, Hal breaks out and spends most of the issue attempting escape (which he eventually succeeds in doing thanks to a little magical help).

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