Godzilla: King of the Monsters
- Title: Godzilla: King of the Monsters
- IMDb: link
Godzilla: King of the Monsters is a big dumb action movie, dumb being the operative word. The full title may as well be Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Humans: Dumbest Fucks on the Planet. Even for a horror movie, the motivations and decision making of every single human character, from child to soldier to politician, are stuptifying. Seriously, you begin to wonder how people this dumb don’t drown in the shower or walk directly into traffic. (And some of them are supposed to be scientists?!) In a series that continues to place a large amount of focus on the human storylines adjacent to the creatures, Godzilla: King of the Monsters makes you wonder if the human race is even worth saving.
The movie is also filled with innumerable plotholes, continuity problems, a misunderstanding of distances across the globe and the time to navigate them, timeline problems, and plenty of insane choices from every character presented on screen. The monsters, however, are pretty cool. It’s just a shame that the movie only really works when two or more are battling on-screen (which, sadly, takes place during far less of the film’s running time than it should).
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