G.I. JOE #11

G.I. JOE #11Rather than move forward to immediately deal with the fallout from the “Threat Matrix” story arc, the latest issue of G.I. JOE takes a look back at the circumstances behind how Roadblock became a member of the team. The issue begins with the Roadblock dealing with the apparent death of his cousin (terrifically portrayed by artist Steve Kurth).

Despite being told Heavy Duty died on a top secret operation, the soldier begins to suspect his cousin may still be alive which leads him to hunt down an IP address, break into a secret military facility, and headbutt Snake Eyes (an awesome sight that does not go unnoticed by Scarlett). His ingenuity and toughness not only lead him to find his missing cousin but get recruited to join Heavy Duty as a member of the JOEs. Worth a look.

Giving us a look at the origins of not one but two JOEs (and a cameo from Snake Eyes) G.I. JOE #11 is a very good single issue break from the title’s ongoing storylines. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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G.I. JOE: Special Missions #10

G.I. JOE: Special Missions #10The new four-part arc of the JOE’s Special Mission Force focuses on taking down Destro before he finishes perfecting his deadly new version of B.A.T. To do so Scarlett decides to pull Copperback out of maximum-security prison and enlist her help to track down the man responsible for killing Copperback’s father. Of course it doesn’t take long for the former Cobra operative to turn on Scarlett and her team and the ruins of Destro’s former stronghold.

I’m all in favor of a Destro-centric arc, and G.I. JOE: Special Missions #10 does a great job of selling me on the dangerous wild card Copperback represents. However, I am a bit confused when exactly the arc takes place as Destro just fell out of favor with Cobra (in fact Cobra Commander himself just led a raid of the weaponer’s home).

Despite the timing and continuity problems (why is the Baroness all of the sudden wearing a completely different version of her basic costume?), I’m looking forward to see where writer Chuck Dixon takes things from here. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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G.I. JOE: Special Missions #9

G.I. JOE: Special Missions #9The latest issue of G.I. JOE: Special Missions centers around one of the least heroic members of the team, Bildocker, whose uncanny ability to scavenge, locate, and trade for necessary ordinance and intel is matched by the overweight desk jock’s lack use in the field that certainly separates him from his more heroic teammates.

With Dial Tone along for the ride, Bildocker soon finds himself in way over his head in the bayou’s as a trip to an old friend to get what Roadblock and Mainframe need for their latest mission gets the pair attacked by Cobra troops and in a fight for their lives far from any back-up.

G.I. JOE: Special Missions #9 is an interesting issue because it reminds us that there are many jobs various JOEs are called on to do and not all of them are as heroic as those on the front lines. He may not fit the mold, but Bildocker is a vial member of the team. Although we only get a single issue for his story, I wouldn’t mind seeing Bildocker pop-up again sometime down the line. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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Top 10 Comic Issues of 2013


Here’s my look back at the ten best single comic issues from the past year. Including ongoing series, one-shots, and mini-series, the only limitations I put on this list was that the comic had to have been released in 2013 (no reprints) and I limited myself to only a single issue from any one title. Because I was focusing on standout issues rather than consistently strong comics every month several of my favorite series missed the cut, but, if time permits, I may work up my regular list of best comic series of the past year as well.

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G.I. JOE #10

G.I. JOE #10“Threat Matrix” comes to an end as Duke confronts the Mad Monk, the Special Missions team hunts down the JOE leader who Cover Girl believes may be Cobra’s mole, and the Baroness is forced to make a choice between Cobra and Destro when Cobra Commander and his troops invade the arm seller’s home.

By the end of the issue the JOEs will stop the Mad Monk’s plan and save Duke’s comatose wife whose chest the villain’s wife and daughter strapped the bomb to. It’s not a complete win as Monk gets away and questions linger about Duke’s unexplained wealth (which we learn about in the issue’s final flashback).

The split between Destro and Cobra opens up new possibilities for the character and I’m happy to see the series sticking with the relationship between the Baroness and her silver-headed boyfriend. The flashbacks certainly give Duke a feet of clay which I have mixed feelings about as I do with Monk getting away to cause more trouble for the JOEs in the future. For fans.

[IDW, $3.99]

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