G.I. JOE #15

G.I. JOE #15Following the pattern of IDW’s other JOE series, the current main G.I. JOE comic comes to an end with G.I. JOE #15. Continuing the story of Cobra’s newest asset Siren, the JOEs arrive at a Cobra training base and indoctrination center where her son and dozens of other recruits have been brainwashed by the terrorist organization.

Far from wrapping up Siren’s story, G.I. JOE #15 at least resigns her to her fate as her future is tied to that of her son who wants no help from Cobra’s enemies. The comic is highlighted by some strong art by Steve Kurth, a throwdown between Roadblock and Big Boa, and Hashtag struggling to see the rescue of several children, but not Siren or her son, as anything other than a failure.

The comic certainly leaves several questions from the series left unanswered (such as Cover Girl‘s concerns and suspicions about Duke) as IDW closes the book on the last of their JOE titles heading into this Fall’s “Fall of G.I. JOE.” Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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G.I. JOE: Special Missions #14

G.I. JOE: Special Missions #14The Special Missions series comes to close with this finale one-issue story involving Scarlett and her Special Missions team ambushed by Cobra while transporting a prisoner near the borders of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. With both Roadblock and Mainframe injured, and a squad of Vipers descending on the position of their destroyed transport, the small squad splits up as Scarlett leads most of the team away from the action.

Staying with the injured Mainframe, the JOE’s sniper Low-Light takes center stage here providing the cover for his teammates to reach safety and take out a Cobra sniper whose skills nearly match his own.

Following the cancellation of G.I. JOE: Cobra Files and the nearing end of IDW’s main title as well it appears the company is set once again for a soft reboot of their various JOE titles. Special Missions may not have always been great, but it was consistently solid and goes out on a high note here. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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G.I. JOE: Special Missions #13

G.I. JOE: Special Missions #13The conclusion of “Destro Must Die” isn’t much of a victory for anyone as Cobra and Destro lose their secret installation in Russia, the JOEs not only fail to capture their target but also loose Copperback as well, Destro earns the ire of Cobra Commander, the Special Mission team is captured by the Russian military, one member of the team gets left behind, and Copperback leaves disappointed without fulfilling her personal mission to kill Destro.

On their way home following some finagling of the diplomatic corps, the team leaves one member down as Beach Head will have to find a way to make his own way home, without their target, but are still able to halt the new B.A.T. experiments of Destro and Cobra.

After bringing her in, Helix isn’t given much do in the arc’s conclusion (but you can say the same for both Scarlett and Mainframe as well) in a very Destro-centeric issue. For fans.

[IDW, $3.99]

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Community – G.I. JEFF

  • Title: Community – G.I. Jeff
  • wiki: link

“G.I. JOE is the codename for America’s daring awesomely trained awesome mission force. Its purpose: To fight Cobra, because they’re terrorists!”

Community - G.I. JEFF

That was awesome! Unapologetically pulling the nostalgic strings of everyone who grew up watching G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero, and guaranteeing I will buy this season on DVD, the only question anyone needs to ask about G.I. Jeff is: Is it a great episode of Community or the greatest episode of Community?

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G.I. JOE #14

G.I. JOE #14Shifting the focus from Siren back to the JOEs, G.I. JOE #14 plays on several of the current comic’s ongoing storylines including Cover Girl‘s continued distrust of Duke, Hashtag‘s return to action after being temporarily sidelined, and the JOEs becoming aware of the existence of Cobra’s newest recruit and tracing her message for help back to a Cobra training compound.

After a pair of issues focused specifically on Siren and her weaving the history of Cobra, I’m glad to finally get back to the JOEs. Opening up with Hashtag’s new role as the team’s communication expert we see her becoming both obsessed with the encrypted message from Siren and the fallout of a Cobra trap that put many JOE lives in danger.

Paul Allor’s choice to pair up Cover Girl and Hashatag on a covert mission without Duke’s approval works well (even if it may be far too late to save Siren and her son at this point). Dealing with what they find should prove challenging for the two women and their small team. Worth a look.

[IDW, $3.99]

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