G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #272

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #272 comic reviewThrowdown (who Cobra still mistakenly believe is the original Snake Eyes) makes his escape attempt as the Joes continue to mobilize by land, air, and space. Putting pieces in place for the final three issues of the “Snake Hunt” arc, G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #272 features Joes in buses, planes, and deploying a satellite in space. Zartan and Destro‘s teams also rendezvous with the the Joe caravan and the Arashikage arrive in Springfield as well.

The only real action from G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #272 comes from our hero’s attempt to escape the Cobra bunker before Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender can turn him into a puppet for Cobra. Throwdown does fairly well against such odds, but with so much of the story left to tell, I’ll guess he’s not making it out on his own just yet.

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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #271

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #271 comicsAt it’s best G.I. JOE offers a mix of action and goofy over-the-top storytelling. G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #271 offers both as “Snake Hunt” continues with the Joes planning Throwdown‘s (who Cobra still mistakenly believe is the original Snake Eyes) rescue, the captive making a move of his own, and Destro explaining to the Baroness why he has chosen to ally himself with Zartan rather than Cobra Commander.

There are three stand-out moments in this issue. One involves Throwdown attempting escape in front of his armed guarding yelling in vain for him to stop. Another features the an all-star line-up of Joes packing into buses as if on some kind of school field trip. And last, the team pulls out all the stops in rescuing their captive comrade by even dusting off and deploying the Defiant.

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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #270

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #270 comic reviewAlthough the captured Throwdown (who Cobra still mistakenly believe is the original Snake Eyes) does make a cameo, the focus of G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #270 is elsewhere.

The issue checks back in with Zartan‘s surprising rescue of Destro and the Baroness from the mercy of robotic Revanche. Fans of the Dreadnoks will be happy as Zartan pulls in the whole crew to help with the escape.

Most of the rest of the issue features the Department of Defense stifling any rescue attempts the JOE’s prepare to make. Is this simply politics? An attempt to prevent escalation between G.I. JOE and Cobra? Or is there something more nefarious at work?

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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #269

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #269 comic review“Snake Hunt” continues as Laura 343 and her team successfully deliver the captured Throwdown (who Cobra still mistakenly believe is the original Snake Eyes) to Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender. The short tour Laura receives of the impressive facility suggests what Larry Hama may have in mind by foreshadowing the technology that could allow the original Snake Eyes to live again.

The Joes aren’t the only ones planning a rescue mission as the the comic peeks in on some familiar faces from the Arashikage who plan on taking the fight to Cobra before they can successfully turn this Snake Eyes into their loyal soldier. I’ll admit to being excited to see this group fight together.

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