G.I. JOE #5

G.I. JOE #5 primarily focuses on the escape of Duke, the Baroness, Cover Girl, Risk, and Stalker from M.A.R.S. Industries where Duke receives a not-so-nice welcome from Destro before Clutch‘s theft of a H.I.S.S Tank begins their flight to freedom. We get plenty of action in the escape including Duke rallying the group to action with the franchise’s most famous phrase.

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G.I. JOE #2

The second issue of the relaunched series gives us the end and aftermath of the Cobra raid on G.I. JOE which turned out to be highly successful (although Cobra may have brought more back than they intended). G.I. JOE #2 gives us plenty of Duke‘s hotheadedness pushing for one last surge to stop Cobra before end, and, later while receiving treatment, getting into a fight with the newest member of the squad Risk. On the battlefield, Duke’s actions earns the respect of his enemies, but will continually going off half-cocked cause trust issue with his friends?

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G.I. JOE #1

The relaunch of a new main G.I. JOE title offers us a team of Duke, Rock ‘n Roll, Stalker, Cover Girl, Clutch, and (most surprisingly for those who didn’t read the Duke mini-series) the Baroness. The new series continues the story started in the various mini-series introducing key characters to merging G.I. JOE into a shared universe with the Transformers. The first issue introduces the team and points out early on that despite their skills they are far behind the group who has yet to be revealed as Cobra who is already maximizing Engeron to bolster their forces and the unknown threat of transforming robots from another world.

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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #310

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #310

A middle issue in the ongoing Battle of Springfield arc, G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #310 is most notable for Cobra Commander‘s plan working and the tied turning against the mutant Cobra army. However, seeing an opportunity to settle old grudges, Cobra Commander sends his stand-in after Baroness and Zartan (both of whom are more or less fighting on his side with the Joes to rebel the invaders). Shooting Baroness doesn’t fracture the alliance of the Joes and the Dreadnoks but may have repercussions as soon as next issue where both Zartan and Destro are concerned.

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