
The Flash – The People v. Killer Frost

  • Title: The Flash – The People v. Killer Frost
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The Flash - The People v. Killer Frost television review

In a season that’s been struggling to define itself, “The People v. Killer Frost” throws a curveball both in the main storyline of Frost (Danielle Panabaker) being sentenced and the B-story where the fight against the Forces takes an unexpected turn. The outcome of the trial allows the show to give Frost a hero moment and complete the character’s arc by refusing to accept the permanent loss of her powers by the state and instead voluntarily sign-up for life in prison without parole rather than allow Kristen Kramer (Carmen Moore) to set precedent and go after the powers of all metahumans. Although not exactly a subtle metaphor, Frost speech taps into transgender and racial themes taking a strong stand for acceptance rather than oppression or an enforced normal. While Caitlin appears to be sticking around, it looks like we’ve seen the last of her frosty alter-ego… for now.

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The Flash – Growing Pains

  • Title: The Flash – Growing Pains
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The Flash - Growing Pains television review

When a murder points to the work of Frost (Danielle Panabaker), and gets Caitlin arrested (hey, someone finally noticed they look exactly alike!), Team Flash works to try and clear their friend’s name. While evidence allows for Kristen Kramer (Carmen Moore) to make some questionable calls, the episode certainly suggests she has a personal stake in bringing Frost to justice (or somethng more permanent?). The reveal of Chillblaine (Jon Cor) being behind the frame is a bit of a letdown, although the earlier sequence between the bartender and Frost provides one of the funnier scenes of the episode. Frost, although cleared of the murder, will still have to answer for her crimes and in doing so perhaps we’ll learn about Kramer’s interest in the frosty metahuman.

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The Flash – The One with the Nineties

  • Title: The Flash – The One with the Nineties
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The Flash - The One with the Nineties TV review

The Flash offers up a time travel / time loop storyline when Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Chester (Brandon McKnight) get trapped in 1998 after laying sensors to track movements of other Force manifestations like the Speed Force who has shown up in the form of Nora Allen (Michelle Harrison). “The One with the Nineties” features the most obvious 90s jokes such as a Blockbuster, fax machines, and the outlandish clothing of the decade. The reset also brings Chester into contact with his father (Milton Barnes) giving him insight into the man he never had while growing up prior to the pair running into the Force behind events (Christian Magby) whose anger eventually effects the rest of the team as well.

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The Flash – Central City Strong

  • Title: The Flash – Central City Strong
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The Flash - Central City Strong television review

In an episode about recovering for both the city and for its characters, Abra Kadabra (David Dastmalchian) returns with threats of destroying Central City using an anti-matter bomb. The use of a villain from the future allows the show to offer another tease about a new looming threat coming for our hero, which (of course) it can’t wait to awkwardly work into casual conversation. While there’s much to praise “Central City Strong” in focusing on the aftermath of recent events, for both those trapped in the mirror dimension and those who unknowingly lived their lives with duplicates, several aspects of the episode are poorly written including the clunky dialogue of giving back to the community, the foreshadoing of the Caitlin / Frost (Danielle Panabaker) reveal, and the anti-climactic finale as the show doubles down on Barry‘s (Grant Gustin) power of love being a better super-power than his speed.

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The Flash – Mother

  • Title: The Flash – Mother
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The Flash - Mother television review

If Huey Lewis’ “The Power of Love” had been blaring throughout “Mother,” the episode would be no more schmaltzy. In what was originally planned to be last season’s finale, Barry (Grant Gustin) gets a new, new artificial Speed Force based on the power of love. No, really. And just in time too, as Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor) has begun replacing the citizens of Central City with her mirror duplicates en masse. Thankfully, she’s no match for… the power of love. The episode also offers yet another farewell to Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), as the rebirthed original Wells returns to help Team Flash one last time. The episode leaves the door open for a possible return of the character while also leaving a couple of Easter Eggs in the character’s look back at something occurring just prior to Barry’s speed being restored and some odd lightning that shoots out of S.T.A.R. Labs (possibly laying the ground for new speedsters?).

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