
The Flash #9

the-flash-new-52-9-coverWriter and artist Francis Manapul (along with co-writer Brian Buccellato) gives us the Flash vs. Gorilla Grodd, Round One. Honestly, given the early teases we’d seen of the New 52 versions of Grodd and Gorilla City this was better than I expected. I’m not sure I like the change from Gorilla City from an advanced scientific race of apes into a more magical religious group but this certainly wasn’t the total disaster which I feared.

The Flash shows up in Gorilla City at a loss as to how he arrived there and who he is and learns from a group of elder Gorillas that the secret tribe worship the Lightning (the Speed Force) and the prophesied appearance of the Runner (the Flash). Although awkward in places, the comic picks up after the Flash regains his memory and puts down Grodd’s rule and plans of world conquest.

The issue has several important small plotlines including Iris still stuck in limbo, the Pied Piper deciding to come out of retirement when Central City is left without a hero, Dr. Elias mounting a protest against the scarlet speedster, and a teaser for the introduction of another of the Flash’s Rogues next month – the Weather Wizard.

[DC, $2.99]

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The Flash #8

the-flash-new-52-8-coverFollowing the events of the last issue the Flash finds himself in the void of the Speed Force. Unable to find Iris or the other people plucked out of time, the Flash’s only companion is Turbine, an insane WWII pilot who has been trapped in the void for 70 years.

Although the idea of Turbine is an intriguing one, how writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato play out the tale leaves something to be desired. We do get an explanation for the time rifts and how the Flash is connected to the Speed Force. However, everything feels rushed and not quite as well thought-out as I’d like. It doesn’t quite stumble, but this is definitely the weakest issue of the title so far.

That doesn’t mean the comic doesn’t have its bright spots. Manapul’s art is again terrific, and even if the ideas aren’t as well fleshed-out as I’d like they do open the doors for further discovery down the line. I’m less pleased with the new Grodd and New 52 version of Gorilla City both of which were going to get plenty of in next month’s issue. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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Flash #7

flash-new-52-7-coverThe Flash is able to stop Captain Cold and save Patty but not without a cost. In order to save as many passengers from the boat as possible the Flash must break his promise to Dr. Elias to control his speed use. And although Barry is able to save his girlfriend, Iris and several other passengers are lost in a wormhole the Flash unintentionally created.

The main story is well told and terrifically laid out by writer/artist Francis Manapul and co-writer Brian Buccellato. There are also several interesting nuggets scattered throughout including the Flash’s first run on the cosmic treadmill (or at least the New 52 equivalent), our first look at the reimaganed natives of Gorilla City (who…are religous zealots? Hrm.), as well as a tease at the new Pied Piper.

Seeing how the next issue is going to be firmly centered around the speed force this issue did a good job of ending the Captain Cold story and starting a new problem for Barry with Patsy‘s now firmly anti-Flash stance. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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The Flash #6

the-flash-new-52-6-coverWith the Mob Rule story finished the Flash turns his attention to Captain Cold who escaped prison during the blackout. An unintended side-effect of the blackout, which everyone mistakenly believes the Flash caused, is it left Cold’s sister slowly wasting away in the hospital who no longer have the power to operated the laser necessary to perform the brain surgery to save her.

The comic does a good job re-introducing the character of Captain Cold. I’m not sure I like that he’s now a guy with cold powers, rather than his old freeze gun, but writer Francis Manapul does through longtime DC readers a bone by allowing the Flash to mention how the villain has changed.

Aside from Flash’s battle with Cold, and the reason for the villain’s new motivations, we also get Barry siting down as an awkward go between between Patty and Iris, and a continuation of the seed planted in last month’s issue about the hero’s need to watch his speed because there’s a chance it could rip apart time and reality. We even get a giant treadmill. Sweet! Best of the week.

[DC, $2.99]

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The Flash #5

the-flash-new-52-5-coverThe Mob Rule story arc ends, although it looks like the character is going to stick around the New 52, as the Flash is able to stop Darwin Ellis‘ out of control experiment, to solve Mob Rule’s degeneration problem, from exploding and taking an entire Central City block with it.

Although the Flash is able to save the day none of Mob Rule survive leaving Manuel to blame the hero for their deaths. I was hoping the arc would end the character’s involvement in the series but it appears he’s going to be sticking around, and with an ax to grind.

The issue also sees the Flash save Iris West from the prison break at Iron Heights and learn Ellias’ terrifying theory about the Speed Force which could mean the end of the Flash for good.

Once again Francis Manapul delivers another terrific looking comic. I’m glad to see the end of the Mob Rule story arc and the chance to see the Flash deal with a problem with the Speed Force and the return of his Rogues Gallery in the next couple of issues. Worth a look.

[DC, $2.99]

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