
Justice League Unlimited #1

Taking a page from the Justice League Unlimited TV-series, Justice League #1 reboots the Justice League as a worldwide group of heroes helping to fight threats around the world from the Watchtower. After a quick tour of the tower by the Flash for newbie Air Wave, a group of members (Superman, Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Firestorm, Kid Flash, and Star Sapphire) is sent to deal with an issue in South Africa involving a terrorist group calling itself Inferno (who it appears will be sticking around for awhile). 

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The Flash #175

The Flash #175

Who is the fastest man alive? Flashback Friday takes us back to 1967 and a race across the Milky Way for the Flash and Superman (a rematch for the race that took place in Superman #199). After a pair of gambling aliens play pranks on the two heroes, stoking their rivalry, Rokk and Sorban take the rest of the Justice League of America hostage and force the two heroes to race across the galaxy to prove once and for all who is the fastest man alive.

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Superman #220

Superman #220

Superman Sunday takes us back to the Silver Age for an odd adventure beginning with both the Flash and Superman waking up in each others costumes and suffering from amnesia. As Flash/Superman takes a trip to Metropolis and goes to great lengths to disguise himself as Clark Kent and fit in at The Daily Planet through the use of a mask and wig, Superman/Flash heads for Central City and later towards Metropolis in search of Superman using less skilled disguise techniques. Oh, the Silver Age.

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The Flash #5

The Flash #5

The Flash #5 is notable for Jai West, not Wally or Barry, being the primary protagonist of the issue. The issue centers around Jai’s uncertainty and embarrassment for powers he doesn’t fully understand. His father’s obsession with the Stillness doesn’t help matters. However, clarity comes from an unexpected source in science detective Inspector Pilgrim who has some knowledge of Jai’s future, and, in his own words, some stake in its outcome.

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The Flash #117

Throwback Thursday takes us back to another adventure featuring the fastest man alive and the introduction of a character who would become a cornerstone of his rogues gallery for decades. The story begins with the brainchild of the Wiggins Game Company to start a fad and get kids hooked on boomerangs not realizing the spokesman they hired would use his skills, and the spiffy costume provided by the company, to commit crimes across Central City.

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