Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle #1

Blue Beetle #1The new Blue Beetle comic begins with giving us a look at Jaime Reyes‘ high school life, introducing a new group of super-powered vigilantes known as the Posse and foreshadowing a confrontation down the line between Blue Beetle and Dr. Fate of the hero’s scarab.

There’s a bit too much of the high school setting in this issue for my tastes. As with Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1, the best part of this issue is the back-and-forth between Blue Beetle and the last hero to use that moniker, his mentor Ted Kord. Kord is also on hand to be the butt of one of the issue’s jokes as the entrepreneur’s presentation at Jaime’s school doesn’t get him the response he hoped for.

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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1Owing more than a little to Bryan Q. Miller‘s Batgirl run which put the younger hero under the tutelage of her retired predecessor, Keith Giffen offers us two Blue Beetles for the price of one. First off, I’m ecstatic to see Ted Kord back in the DCU complete with his Bug (if not his costume or partner in crime Booster Gold). Focused primarily on the adventures of Jaime Reyes as the Blue Beetle, I’m happy to see Ted carving out a new spot for himself in the background.

Scott Kolins certainly has a flair for drawing Reyes’ costume. And I appreciate the nod to Ted’s costume with his Blue Beetle t-shirt (even if I’d rather see him in costume – possibly in flashbacks?).

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