Black Canary

Black Canary and Zatanna – Bloodspell

Black Canary and Zatanna - BloodspellFishnets Unite! Taking place in a glorious world before DC’s New 52 reboot, this graphic novel from writer Paul Dini and artist Joe Quinones unites Black Canary and Zatanna on case involving a dead killer and a blood curse which threatens Dinah’s life. Offering us a glimpse at the pair’s friendship over the years which began with a snowball fight on a Himalayan mountain, Dini and Quinones provide one of the most satisfying and FUN stories from DC that either heroine has been involved with in years.

The logic of the story itself is a little odd (did Black Canary really need to go undercover to take down this gang?), but the execution and choice to center it around two DC’s most intriguing female figures, each of whom has made some questionable wardrobe choices over the years (also on display here), is an enjoyable read ending with a madcap final act involving the ghost jumping bodies pitting the pair against each other. Hopefully this refreshing old school take on the characters will prove successful enough to inspire DC to release other such projects. I certainly hope so.

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Arrow – Seeing Red

  • Title: Arrow – Seeing Red
  • wiki: link

Arrow - Seeing Red

With Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. riding high with the HYDRA fallout from the Captain America: The Winter Soldier I thought this might be the week that Marvel’s show might out-perform its rival DC’s weekly super-hero action-drama. Nope. Arrow‘s strong Second Season continues with an episode with lasting fallout not only for the season’s remaining three episodes but well beyond. This, as they say, is one of those episodes that changes everything.

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Arrow – Deathstroke

  • Title: Arrow – Deathstroke
  • wiki: link

Arrow - Deathstroke

Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) finally makes his move beginning with Thea (Willa Holland) abduction and using the traumatic series of events to steal Queen Consolidated away from Oliver (Stephen Amell), with the help of Isabel Rochev‘s (Summer Glau), and begin to drive wedges between Green Arrow and those closest to him by exposing one of Ollie’s secrets to his sister and another to Laurel (Katie Cassidy). “Deathstroke” works on several levels, first showing how surgical the assassins strikes can be without ever picking a weapon and also in playing on a running theme of the series that despite his physical skills honed on the island Oliver isn’t a brilliant strategist and is often his own worst enemy.

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Arrow – Birds of Prey

  • Title: Arrow – Birds of Prey
  • wiki: link

“I think if the Huntress shows up you should totally kick her ass.”

Arrow - Birds of Prey

The arrest of Frank Bertinelli (Jeffrey Nordling) brings Oliver‘s (Stephen Amell) murderous ex-girlfriend the Huntress (Jessica De Gouw) back to town to kill her father who Laurel‘s (Katie Cassidy) has returned to work to prosecute. When the Huntress shows up to take her revenge she walks straight into a police trap, loosing her chance to kill Frank, but that doesn’t stop her, and several armed gunmen, from taking control of the courthouse and take hostages who include Laurel.

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