
Shadow War: Omega

Shadow War: Omega comes to a close here with Geo-Force revealed to be the killer behind the death of Ra’s al Ghul and the attempts on the lives of both Talia al Ghul and Deathstroke as vengeance for what Leviathan did to his home country of Markovia. I’d say the story ends rather than concludes as the epilogue to Geo-Force’s defeat feeds right into Dark Crisis (which is actually already started before this story wraps).

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The Batman

  • Title: The Batman
  • IMDb: link

Save me from early-career Batman films. For once, can’t I just get a Batman at the height of his physical and mental prowess (in a movie that doesn’t star George Clooney)? Sadly, that’s not what’s in store with Matt Reeves‘ stylish The Batman taking place during the second year of Batman‘s (Robert Pattinson) run as a now police sanctioned, but certainly not beloved, vigilante. Reeves hits on themes of class struggle and the effects of loss (specifically being orphaned) and how these affect the three main characters in the film in different ways. While that works as a sociology experiment, it’s not the most entertaining main theme for a Batman movie. But, hey, it’s got a new Batmobile!

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Batman: Killing Time #3

While there’s much to like in Batman: Killing Time #3, I’m not overly fond of the way the story continually jumps around the timeline making it harder to get an overall feel of the story (especially for someone who hasn’t read the first two issues of the six-issue mini-series). What it does deliver, in somewhat random order, is an experienced fighter with the unfortunate name of the Help who bests a young Batman in combat after being sent to retrieve something stolen from the hospitalized Penguin.

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