Holy Absolute Awesomeness Batman!
- Title: The Dark Knight Returns – Absolute Edition
- Comic Vine: link
Frank Miller’s classic The Dark Knight Returns is a masterpiece. Comic books get a bad rap in our society, but, as in any art form or genre, there are those pieces that perpetuate the mundane stereotypes, and then there are those that transcend. Dark Knight is the later.
Forty years after the character’s introduction to pop culture, Frank Miller was able to craft something uniquely different, that would not only change the character forever, but begin a tidal wave movement of celebrating the legend of the hero while paradoxically showing the heroes themselves, as real people struggling in a real world.
Miller reminds us of the tortured young boy behind the mask, filled with a vengeful rage that has not yet, and perhaps never will be, quenched. Batman, more than ever before, took his place as a legend, an icon, a super-man if you will.
Holy Absolute Awesomeness Batman! Read More »