Batman: The Animated Series

The Animated Dark Knight Detective

  • Title: Batman: The Animated Series – Volume Two
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Season One (read that review) dealt with setting up the major Bat-villains, the city, and dealing with Bruce Wayne.  Season Two delves deeper into the Batman universe in examining the more of the characters’ origins, motivations, and roles in the series.  Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski really begin to knock out some winners as the series begins to hit it’s stride.

Season Two brings back the villains and Gotham natives from Season One while expanding the universe and adding a few new characters.  We get some more Robin episodes, most notably the retelling of the Dick Grayson Robin origin story.  Finally a Riddler episode “If You’re So Smart Why Aren’t You Rich?” tells the origin tale of the Mr. Edward Nigma and his life of crime involving riddles, a maze and a Minotaur.  Commissioner Gordon will be shot in “I am the Night” prompting Bruce Wayne to consider hanging up the cape and cowl.  The episode is also of interest for the sly reference O’Neil and Adams.

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Batman the Animated Series

  • Title: Batman: The Animated Series – Volume One
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No digital cartoon here folks.  Despite the fact that many cartoons had gone to digital at the time it came out Batman the Animated Series is old school, in more ways than one.  Hand drawn on cells with painted backgrounds with a limited color palate and a breath-taking style that merges old school images into a new and exciting storytelling.  Producers Eric Radomski and Bruce Timm deserve all the praise I can muster for this wonderful creation that got better and better year after year.

As you watch the main titles you notice they never say Batman (that’s pretty ballsy for a “kid’s show”).  From these early images you can see the importance of the visual look to the series, which is very important on a show where the main character doesn’t talk much.  Building on core concepts of who and what Batman is while adding a new dark art deco style and flair to the look of Gotham the creators make almost all the right choices including retuning the Joker‘s balls and allowing him to be a wickedly scary demented killer.

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