
Batman: Dark Patterns #2

As Batman: Dark Patterns my interest is leaning more to the art than the story. The second issue of the twelve-issue maxi-series offers the return and capture of the self-mutilated killer we saw in Batman: Dark Patterns #1 who Batman successfully captures. However, due to the incompetence of the coroner who Batman warned Gordon about in the first issue the character (who really only had a single-issue shelf-life for me) may be sticking around even longer.

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Justice League Unlimited #2

The initial arc of the new Justice League Unlimited comic continues. In Costa Rica, Superman leads a team of Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, Star Sapphire, Martian Manhunter, Black Lightning, and Dr. Occult against Parademons. A wounded Batman arrives with even graver news about stolen children, sending some of the team after the Parademon nest and others in search of the kids.

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Jenny Sparks #5

Taking break from the standoff between Jenny Sparks and Captain Atom, Jenny Sparks #5 works as something of an origin issue offering flashbacks to both Captain Atom’s origins and to Jenny Sparks’ recruitment by Superman and Batman. The latter provides the big laughs of the issue while the former helps reintroduce the character of Atom and restate the challenges Jenny has in dealing with him through her discussion of one of the hostages whose cancer he cured.

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Batman: Dark Patterns #1

After three years patrolling the streets, the new twelve-issue maxi-series opens with a Batman jaded to the problems of Gotham City he can’t solve while continuing his crusade to help where he can. Batman: Dark Patterns #1 brings the latest victim of a serial killer to Batman’s attention, killed, like the others, by literally being tortured to death. After running into more trouble that he should looking into the first victim of the killer, the Dark Knight Detective makes a connection between the lawyer and the other victims.

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