Ashley Benson

Pretty Little Liars – Playtime

  • Title: Pretty Little Liars – Playtime
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Pretty Little Liars - Playtime television review

Pretty Little Liars returns for its final stretch of episodes with “Playtime” which deals mainly from the fallout of the season’s mid-season finale which puts both Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Toby (Keegan Allen) in the hospital, leaves Aria (Lucy Hale) unsure of her relationship with Ezra‘s (Ian Harding), answers some questions about the truth of Mary Drake‘s (Andrea Parker) statements concerning one of the Liars, and confirms that neither Noel Kahn‘s (Brant Daugherty) nor Jenna Marshall (Tammin Sursok) is A.D. There’s quite a bit of drama in “Playtime,” but other than setting up A.D.’s final gambit (which involves an overly elaborate game board to dish out rewards and punishment) the Liars spend the majority of the episode dealing with their own drama rather than that caused by their unknown adversary.

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Pretty Little Liars – The DArkest Knight

  • Title: Pretty Little Liars – The DArkest Knight
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Pretty Little Liars - The DArkest Knight

The series’ final mid-season finale may not deliver the identity of A.D. (although we can cross two more possibilities off the list), but it does offer its share of moments and secrets revealed heading into the hiatus before Pretty Little Liars returns for its final ten episodes next spring. Hanna‘s (Ashley Benson) disappearance forces the Liars to get the police involved and let the authorities know about Noel Kahn‘s (Brant Daugherty) connection to the Doll House and A. As everyone believes Kahn has kidnapped Hanna the reverse is actually true, although the outcome will be far different than the Liar planned.

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Pretty Little Liars – The Wrath of Khan

  • Title: Pretty Little Liars – The Wrath of Khan
  • wiki: link

Pretty Little Liars - The Wrath of Khan

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, Hanna (Ashley Benson) does something rash. Believing Noel Kahn (Brant Daugherty) is A.D., Hanna begins following the the man without telling the other Liars what she is up to. Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Emily‘s (Shay Mitchell) own investigation ties Noel to the Doll House confirming he was in league with the original A in helping torture the Liars during their captivity. Further spurned on after finding Sara Harvey‘s (Dre Davis) phone in Noel’s trash leads Hanna to a rash decision heading into next week’s mid-season finale. While Spencer looses the evidence the Liars found on Noel, Hanna’s rash actions are likely to lead to more questions being asked (if not necessarily answered) next week.

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