5 Razors

Person of Interest – If-Then-Else

  • Title: Person of Interest – If-Then-Else
  • wiki: link

Person of Interest - If-Then-Else

In an episode that sees the potential death of nearly every member of The Machine‘s team, “If-Then-Else” delivers one of the most memorable episodes of the series and ends with one character’s life facing a very real and permanent end as the three-part “Trilogy” event continues. With the Stock Market crashing Reese (Jim Caviezel), Finch (Michael Emerson), Root (Amy Acker), and Fusco (Kevin Chapman) are lured into a trap by Samaritan with Shaw (Sarah Shahi) stuck on the subway dealing with a suicide bomber. Trapped with no good options we witness The Machine run various scenarios in an attempt to not only stop Samaritan from destabilizing the world’s markets but get each member of the team out alive. It won’t be entirely successful.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1I’m far from Grant Morrison’s biggest fan, and the New 52 bastardization of Billy Batson into a teenage punk unworthy of the magic of Shazam still drives me crazy, so my expectations for The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1 were pretty damn low. I was wrong.

As he did with All-Star Superman, Morrison shows off his love of Silver Age zaniness by crafting a classic Captain Marvel story that could easily fit into the pre-Crisis DCU. Complete with classic representations of all its characters, Morrison chooses not to wrongly remake Captain Marvel for a new age (as DC so thoroughly botched with the New 52) but instead remind us of the throwback hero who earned the nickname the Big Red Cheese.

The plot of the comic involves the latest scheme of Dr. Sivana to steal the magic of Rock of Eternity for himself and the Sivana Family who, once super-powered, square-off against Cap, Captain Marvel Jr., Mary Marvel, and their supporting cast who include Tawky Tawny (although sadly not dressed in his plaid suit). And even the Monster Society of Evil gets in on the fun!

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Astro City #17

Astro City #17The latest issue of Astro City borrows a bit from the Atom and his adventures in the Microverse. Turning the tale on its side, instead of a hero spending his time in a microscopic universe we get the story of a villain who grew from those worlds, growing in power and size with each victory to eventually become one of the Honor Guard’s most powerful enemies.

Tom Grummett steps in for Brent Anderson providing a beautiful issue that fits easily within the already established narrative. To go along with those panels Kurt Busiek offers a story both celebratory and melancholy about a race of pacifists whose actions saved their own world but also led to the death of a hero which all still mourn.

Told as the story by the one who witnessed it, first in dreams and later in reality, Astro City #17 delivers on every level with action, loss, true heroism, and a very Silver Age message about the nature of sacrifice. Best of the Week.

[DC, $3.99]

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Person of Interest – Wingman

  • Title: Person of Interest – Wingman
  • wiki: link

Person of Interest - Wingman

Okay, that was F-U-N! In what turns out to be one of the most enjoyable episodes of Person of Interest‘s entire run, Finch (Michael Emerson) reaches out to Fusco (Kevin Chapman) to enlist the detective’s help for the their latest number who is a former dock worker turned professional wingman (Ryan O’Nan) helping single men meet women. Shaw‘s (Sarah Shahi) immense pleasure aside, Fusco struggles to both accept the man’s patronizing advice and keep him safe from danger stemming from a stolen weapon shipment with which he may or may not have been involved.

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Velvet #7

Velvet #7Although she doesn’t make an appearance in this issue other than in a flashback, Velvet Tempelton‘s spirit can be found of every page of the latest issue of Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting’s Velvet. Where the previous issues were spent to set-up the premise and the mystery of searching for the truth of what happened to the super-spy turned secretary, Velvet #7 is focused on the woman herself and how she’s viewed by the two men leading the search to find her. Even if, for the first time, we aren’t seeing the world from her perspective, the latest issue arguably offers readers the clearest picture of the character yet.

Velvet’s continued actions baffle Colt and Roberts who are only beginning to suspect that there’s likely far more to the story than the simple frame job suggests. Colt’s perspective gives us a glimpse at the dangerous false trails one finds while searching for a master spy while Roberts more analytical approach searches for assets and leverage which can be used against Velvet, although he discovers just how far he’s been lagging behind his target in the final couple pages of yet another terrific issue. Best of the Week.

[Image, $3.50]

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