Wolves at the Gate
- Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight – “Wolves at the Gate”
- Comic Vine: link
Drew Goddard picks up the reigns for a four-part storyline, out today in trade paperback, which returns a villain from Season Five (no, not Glory) and a few other surprises as well including Buffy’s night of passion being interrupted by, well, everyone and an oversized street fight between giant Dawn and Mecha-Dawn on the streets of Tokyo. Throw in great one-liners and more serious heartbreak for Xander and you’ve got a winner. This is by far the funniest, and the finest, story arc from Season 8 yet!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #12-15
Drew Goddard takes over the reigns here to bring us a tale packed with humor in an issue you don’t want to miss. Goddard penned a few episodes of Angel Season Five (most notably “Lineage” and “The Girl in Question”). As he did in those episodes he takes on some serious issues, but brings plenty of funny, too!
The issue begins with a cute awkward conversation between Xander and Renee and the invasion of Slayer central by wolves. The tone of Xander is perfect here especially when Renee tells him simply to take her out and her asks “You want me to assassinate you?” Classic Xander.
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