2 Razors

Night Court – Dan v. Dating

  • Title: Night Court – Dan v. Dating
  • IMDb: link

The joke of “Dan v. Dating” is that Dan Fielding (John Larroquette) doesn’t know how to deal with women. By far the weakest of the reboot’s episodes, the episode takes the show largely out of its workplace comedy setting for Dan’s attempts at dating with a woman (guest-star Wendie Malick) who turns out to not have his best intentions at heart. The former womanizer’s inability to carry on even a shallow conversation with a member of the opposite sex falls as flat as you would expect as does the episode’s equally banal B-story involving some forced bonding between office buddies Olivia (India de Beaufort) and Gurgs (Lacretta).

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Deadpool #3

Deadpool #3 is a weird comic. Deadpool awakes in the apartment of Valentine Vuong who apparently is sweet on both Deadpool and the little Carnage symbiote feeding on him. Red flags, anyone? She’s found a way to keep it under control and the pair go on a date. To the zoo. And the symbiote emerges to play matchmaker. Um, okay?

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Blade of the 47 Ronin

  • Title: Blade of the 47 Ronin
  • IMDb: link

A sequel of sorts to the 2013 film which offered a fantastical take on the true events of the Akō incident, Blade of the 47 Ronin takes place hundreds of years later with an evil wizard (Dan Southworth) coming to power and looking to kill off the last descendant of the original 47 Ronin who alone is destined to destroy him and prevent his rise to power. 

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The School for Good and Evil

  • Title: The School for Good and Evil
  • IMDb: link

Adapted from a young adult fantasy novel (because of course it is), The School for Good and Evil gives us the odd tale of two friends Sophie (Sophia Anne Caruso) and Agatha (Sofia Wylie) transported to the paired magical schools for Good and Evil after Sophie makes a wish. Be careful what you wish for as Sophie ends up in the Evil School despite her princess-style. And Agatha, who just wants to go home, ends up in the Good School full of bitchy mean girl princesses.

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Batman vs. Robin #1

Magic offers a homecoming of sorts as characters are drawn to the abandoned Wayne Manor, not only Batman but an apparently very much alive Alfred Pennyworth. The setup of the oversized issue pitting an out-of-control Damian against his father (and perhaps also his mother) with the help of mystical benefactors (or puppet-masters?), allows for the return of Alfred who, although it takes much of the issue, Bruce Wayne comes to realize is quite real.

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