Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride

Corpse Bride is a stop-animation fantasy that exists past the realm of life. Tim Burton puts together a talented cast to rattle a bone and wake the dead. Shot similar to his 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas, each frame brings to life a doldrums blue gray existence above ground and a jazzy warm and colorful underworld.

Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
3 Stars

Corpse Bride is a stop-animation fantasy that exists past the realm of life. Tim Burton puts together a talented cast to rattle a bone and wake the dead. Shot similar to his 1993 The Nightmare Before Christmas, each frame brings to life a doldrums blue gray existence above ground and a jazzy warm and colorful underworld.

Set in Victorian England, an arrange marriage between Victor Van Dort (Johnny Depp)
a timid young man from a common fish monger family, the Van Dorts (Tracy Ullman
& Paul Whitehouse) and Victoria Everglot (Emily Watson), a shy daughter of snobbish broke aristocrats, the Everglots (Albert Finney
& Joanna Lumley), starts the heads rolling. Victor is incapable of memorizing and properly reciting his wedding vows. A screw up to the end he accomplishes dropping the ring, setting the mother-in-law on fire and marrying a corpse. That’s right, marrying a corpse. Rehearsing his lines and placing a ring on what looked like a dead root, Victor awoke to his new bride, voice by Helena Bonham Carter, and life in the underworld. Forced into an unfortunate turn of events, Victor tries to escape, but finds that to be harder to accomplish than saying his vows.

The underworld is a colorful and lovely place compared to the existence above, and Victor, after finding his other wife betrothed to another, realizes that the underworld isn’t such a bad place to be after all. Agreeing to a ritual that will bind him to the corpse bride forever, the crew goes above ground to consummate the vows and ultimately kill Victor for the finishing touches. Before his lips could touch the goblet of poison the corpse bride, seeing Victor’s true love in the background, realizes that her dreams had been stolen from her and she didn’t want this for another young beautiful bride. The corpse bride released her hold on Victor to allow true love to prevail.

Barkis Bittern (Richard E. Grant), Victoria’s new husband, crept out of the shadows only to be recognized as the culprit who had slain the young bride years ago and left her for dead. Karma played a role and the dead got their revenge. Victor and Victoria were wed and the corpse bride was released from the underworld, a very happy ending indeed.

The Corpse Bride in comparison to The Nightmare Before Christmas deals with the underworld or rather the supernatural and stop-animation, besides that The Nightmare Before Christmas in art, style and music surpassed The Corpse Bride. It’s hard not to compare the two, and if you add in Beetle Juice, just on a creativity level, you will be very disappointed. If you look at Corpse Bride as a stand alone, its pleasant and has some great character studies. Each characters has some unique qualities that make them exciting and new, but other qualities ties them in all too close to some of the holiday claymation stories from childhood. The music is fun and jazzy at times, but other times it sounds similar to each other and some of the lyrics are hard to understand. Now that I have mentioned hard to understand, the voice actors had a few lines that blended in and were really hard to make out at times, mostly among the parents.

Overall it’s a pleasant enough film for the family, holding back on any true adult gags and keeping the scary parts about death under the table. However, it would have been nice to see a few one-liners taken advantage of and a little more dark and dank added to the dead. The storyline maybe a little deep for children, but the animation and songs will keep them pleasantly entertained.

I would have liked to seen more contrast in color and style between the living and the dead, really punch the style up and step out of the box with the music, make it more of a jazzy style musical and less sing songy. Tim Burton has seemingly toned down his adventurous side when dealing with his dead fantasy world, I would love to see him create a film including a fantasy with the dead just for adults.

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Everything is Illuminated

  • Title: Everything is Illuminated
  • IMDB: link

everything-is-illuminated-posterStrange.  Quirky.  Moving.  Poignant.  Wonderful.  There are so many words to describe Everything is Illuminated that I find it hard to choose them.  It is simply one of the best movies of the year.

Jonathan Safran Foer (Elijah Wood) collects everything dealing with his family.  After receiving a photograph from his grandmother, he decides to travel to the Ukraine to meet Augustine, the woman in the photograph with his grandfather, who he believes saved his life during WWII.  He procures the services of Alex (Eugene Hutz) and his grandfather (Boris Leskin) who is a driver who sometimes believes he is blind and will not go anywhere without his seeing-eye-bitch Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. The trio and dog travel to try and find the small town and the woman in the picture amid the emptiness of the Ukrainian countryside.

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De Plane, De Plane!

  • Title: Flightplan
  • IMDb: link


Flightplan is one of those movies with way too many Hollywood fingerprints all over it. What can you say about a movie that sets up a wonderful tense thriller for an hour and fifteen minutes and then chucks it all out the window for a farfetched Hollywood twist ending?  Although I enjoyed much of the film, in the end I left the theater disappointed.

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Dear Frankie

A simple and heartwarming story about the love a mother has for her son and what she would do to protect him.

Frankie is a 9-year-old deaf boy who has never, to his recollection, met his father. He writes to him on a weekly bases not knowing that his mother has been retrieving his letters and writing back to him in his fathers stead. His mother can not stop the hoax, she feels it is the only way she gets to hear Frankie’s true voice. One day it all comes to head when his dad’s boat is to come into harbor and she is faced with either telling him the truth about his dad or hiring a stranger for the weekend to play dad. She chose the latter getting Gerard Butler’s character to play Frankie’s dad for a small sum. As the relationship evolves between Frankie and his fake dad, there is another one forming between mom and the impostor. The spark of romance is a very faint side note that takes way to long to fire up and dies down as soon as he leaves at the end of the film.

Dear Frankie
2 Stars

A simple and heartwarming story about the love a mother has for her son and what she would do to protect him.

Frankie is a 9-year-old deaf boy who has never, to his recollection, met his father. He writes to him on a weekly bases not knowing that his mother has been retrieving his letters and writing back to him in his fathers stead. His mother can not stop the hoax, she feels it is the only way she gets to hear Frankie’s true voice. One day it all comes to head when his dad’s boat is to come into harbor and she is faced with either telling him the truth about his dad or hiring a stranger for the weekend to play dad. She chose the latter getting Gerard Butler’s character to play Frankie’s dad for a small sum. As the relationship evolves between Frankie and his fake dad, there is another one forming between mom and the impostor. The spark of romance is a very faint side note that takes way to long to fire up and dies down as soon as he leaves at the end of the film.

Wanting more from the characters and their relationships and not getting it makes this film a little slow and too simplistic in it’s story telling. Dear Frankie was an okay story that could have been a wonderful bang, but fizzles out to a quiet snap. Give us love, give us passion, give us the true grit we expect from independent films and the Scottish.

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