Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. True, she might not grab the starring role, but she finds a way to make an immediate and lasting impression whether in only a single scene we can’t quite forget where she effortlessly steals the spotlight before fading back into anonymity or popping up in movies and television over the years here and there, almost always reminding us that we have seen her before even if we can’t quite remember where. Even if we can’t quite think her name we immediately recognize her face and search furiously through our brains to remember where we have seen “that girl” before.
Katharine Isabelle is a Canadian actress best know for her appearances in several horror movies including her role as Ginger Fitzgerald in the Ginger Snaps horror series. Over the years, Isabelle has made appearances on several television shows including the original MacGyver, Goosebumps, Da Vinci’s Inquest, John Doe, Little Dog, Stargate SG-1, Smallville, Psych, The L Word, Rookie Blue, and The Order. She has also appeared on the big screen in Disturbing Behavior, Insomnia, Freddy vs. Jason, 88, How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town, and Bad Times at the El Royale.