We Beat the Dream Team

  • Title: We Beat the Dream Team
  • IMDb: link

Headlined by Grant Hill, with interviews from both the Select Team and the 1992 USA Olympic Team, We Beat the Dream Team chronicles the only loss of the greatest basketball team ever assembled in the team’s first informal scrimmage with a group of young college kids, who if not for the Dream Team would have all likely been chose for the Olympics that year, giving them everything the team with 11 Hall of Fame players could handle.

With some hazy video of the only camera allowed in the building and interviews from players and coaches on both sides including Bobby Hurley, Penny Hardaway, Magic Johnson, Chris Webber, Michael Jordan, and Roy Williams, the documentary from director Michael Tolajian chronicles events leading up the game and the aftermath (including the young kids getting the pros’ best shot the next day in a near-5o-point drubbing.

There’s quite a bit of fun to be had, especially from the college players recounting events and looking back more than 30 years. The documentary also examines the argument of how much Coach Chuck Daly allowed/orchestrated events (or as Mike Krzyzewski states “threw the game”) in order to manufacture a loss to light a fire under the Dream Team that burned all the way to the Gold Medal in Barcelona.

Watch the trailer